Couderc 161-49

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'Couderc 161-49'
Synonyms yes - for more see section synonyms
'Couderc 161-49'
origin France
breeder Georges Couderc
Breeding year 1888
Launch 1914
VIVC no. 3016

Hybrid from
Vitis riparia MICHAUX × Vitis berlandieri PLANCHON

List of grape varieties

The rootstock 'Couderc 161-49' is a cultivation of the private grapevine breeder Georges Couderc in France and is used for the biotechnological control of the root aphid in grape varieties susceptible to phylloxera. It belongs to the group of ' Vitis riparia ' × ' Vitis berlandieri ' hybrids. It has a very high lime tolerance, but is sensitive to drought, which means that the performance drops significantly. The high sensitivity severely limits its use.


Cross of ' Vitis riparia ' MICHAUX × ' Vitis berlandieri ' PLANCHON by Georges Couderc. Vitis berlandieri was used as the male cross partner in this cross. It is probably the only cross from the Berlandieri × Riparia group in which 'Vitis berlandieri' was used as the male parent.

Ampelographic features

  • Shoot tip: closed to half-open, green with a slight reddish tinge
  • Leaf: long, drawn out central lobe, upper side slightly vesicular, broad, heart-shaped, stocky, slightly three-lobed, serrations pointed arched medium-sized, leaf margin broadly serrated, petiole U- to lyre-shaped
  • Tendrils: long, thin, reddish in color, two-part
  • Flower: female pseudo-hermaphrodite
  • Grape: small with very small, round, black berries

Properties - use

The base gives the noble variety a weak to medium growth. It is particularly suitable for calcareous ( activated lime tolerance ~ 25%), light, stony and deep soils in warm locations. Heavy, clayey soils are unfavorable, especially during longer dry periods in summer. If site conditions are unsuitable, there will be a sharp drop in performance.

The rootstock is widely used in quality wine-growing regions such as Burgundy , Champagne and Alsace in France. In 2012 and 2013, severe growth disorders occurred in many plants in South Tyrol with the 161-49 Couderc rootstock. Both France and Italy have had the same problem for a few years. Affected vines are initially noticed by stunted growth. Significant damage can be seen on the cambium on the base of the affected vines . The tendency to form thyllose on the substrate is known. In the longer term, thyllosen lead to poor growth. Thyllosen occur particularly in vigorous plants and at high temperatures, when a large area of ​​leaves gives off a lot of water and cannot be adequately replenished via the roots. Cell damage occurs in the water-bearing vessels. The damage extends to the complete drying up of the leaf surface of individual vines. A sustainable recovery of damaged vines has not yet been achieved. Climate change is also cited as a cause, leading to increased and longer periods of drought stress and increasing water consumption due to the higher temperatures. Furthermore, a modified soil cultivation with long-term renunciation of mechanical loosening leads to soil compaction which further deteriorates the water supply of the vine in stressful situations. In France ( INRA ), no viral disease that could be the cause of the document 161-49 C has so far been detected. An expansion of the problem to adjacent vineyards with a different substrate could not be observed either. There should be no immediate risk of infection that would require the swift clearing of infected canes. A clear clarification of the causes has not yet been given. In France and South Tyrol, the further use of 161-49 is strongly discouraged.


'161-49', '161- 49 Couderc', '161-49 C', ' Ripara × Berlandieri 161-49 Couderc', 'Rxb 161-49', ' Vitis Ripara × Vitis Berlandieri 161-49', ' Vitis Ripara × Vitis Berlandieri 161-49 Couderc '.


  • Joachim Schmid, Frank Manty, Bettina Lindner: Geisenheimer grape varieties and clones (= Geisenheimer reports. 67). Geisenheim Research Institute - Department of Vine Breeding and Refinement, Geisenheim 2009, ISBN 978-3-934742-56-7 .
  • Karl Bauer, Ferdinand Regner , Barbara Schildberger: Viticulture (= AV book. ). 9th, updated edition. Cadmos, Vienna 2013, ISBN 978-3-7040-2284-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Joachim Schmid, Frank Manty, Bettina Lindner: Geisenheimer grape varieties and clones. 2009.
  2. ^ Karl Bauer, Ferdinand Regner, Barbara Schildberger: Viticulture. 9th, updated edition. 2013, p. 118.
  3. Joachim Schmid, Frank Manty, Bettina Lindner: Geisenheimer grape varieties and clones. 2009.
  4. Barbara Raifer, Josef Terleth, Hansjörg Hafner, Armin Morandell: Growth disorders and yield losses with the document 161-49 Couderc. In: fruit growing, viticulture. Announcements from the South Tyrolean advisory ring for fruit and wine growing. Vol. 50, No. 9, 2013, ZDB -ID 406433-1 , pp. 260-262.