Crab Creek (King George Island)

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Coordinates: 62 ° 1 ′  S , 57 ° 38 ′  W

Relief Map: Antarctica
Crab Creek

The Crab Creek ( English ; Polish Potok Krabów , Krabbenbach ' ) is a small stream on King George Island in the archipelago of the South Shetland Islands . It leads from Crab Mound on the plateau of the Melville Peninsula through a steep and icy channel to Sherratt Bay .

Polish scientists named it in 1984 based on the name of the Crab Mound. This takes its name from the many found there fossils of crustaceans .

See also


  • John Stewart: Antarctica - An Encyclopedia . Vol. 1, McFarland & Co., Jefferson and London 2011, ISBN 978-0-7864-3590-6 , p. 365 (English)

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