Crepidophorus mutilatus

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Crepidophorus mutilatus
Crepidophorus mutilatus covered with pollen dust in Riga

Crepidophorus mutilatus covered with pollen dust in Riga

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Click beetles (Elateridae)
Genre : Crepidophorus
Type : Crepidophorus mutilatus
Scientific name
Crepidophorus mutilatus
( Rosenhauer , 1847)

Crepidophorus mutilatus is a beetle from the family of beetles (Elateridae).


The black nocturnal beetles are 11 to 18 millimeters long. The pronotum is parallel and much longer than it is wide, with the posterior corners having obtuse angles. The forehead is bent up like a bulge at the front end.

The species can be confused with other similarly sized click beetles, such as the forest humus snap beetle ( Ectinus aterrimus ). It can be distinguished by the shape of the pronotum and forehead.


Stanislav Laibner describes the species as central European in his book Elateridae of the Czech and Slovak Republics from 2000. It is also found in Northern Europe, but probably not in the British Isles.

Crepidophorus mutilatus requires heartwood from old trees and deadwood as a relic species . The larvae develop for at least three years in the silt of mainly deciduous trees and are aggressively predatory. The pupation takes place from March to May The short-lived adult beetles overwinter in the tree and do not become active until May or June. In the evening, beetles can occasionally be found in hollows in trees.


The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) assesses the stock as potentially endangered ("Near Threatened"). The reason given is that the population of old trees in Europe is decreasing.


The following synonymous scientific names and spellings can be found for Crepidophorus mutilatus in the scientific literature:

  • Athous fovelatus , Hampe , 1850
  • Athous mutilatus , Rosenhauer , 1847
  • Crepidophorus anthracinus , Mulsant & Guillebeau , 1853
  • Crepidophorus barbarinus , Pic , 1916

Web links

Commons : Crepidophorus mutilatus  - collection of images, videos and audio files


Individual evidence

  1. Crepidophorus mutilatus in Coleoptera Poloniae (Polish / English)
  2. Entry of Crepidophorus mutilatus in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (English)