Curt Bucerius

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Curt Bucerius (born November 11, 1882 in Naumburg , † March 27, 1951 in Essen ) was a German architect who designed facades in Essen that shaped the cityscape.

Live and act

Lichtburg in Essen, changed after the Second World War

Curt Bucerius worked as an architect in the city of Essen for several decades. He often worked with different partners, including Richard Heydkamp, ​​Karl Kleemann, Fritz Börnke and Friedrich Lange from Fritz Schupp's architectural office . Curt Bucerius was a member of the Association of German Architects .

Buildings (selection)

  • 1914: Residential houses in Essen's southeast district
  • 1923: Housing estate on Stiftstrasse in Bochum
  • 1928: Lichtburg in Essen (office and commercial building with large cinema; with Richard Heydkamp)
  • 1937: Feldmannhof housing estate in Altenessen
  • 1938: Administration building of the construction company Hochtief , called Hochtiefhaus , in Essen (with Karl Kleemann)

After 1945, Bucerius was involved in the reconstruction of Essen with numerous new commercial and administrative buildings.


  • Erwin Dickhoff: Essen heads . Ed .: City of Essen - Historical Association for City and Monastery of Essen. Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8375-1231-1 , p. 68 .

Individual evidence

  1. Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung of March 29, 1951: Article on the death of Curt Buderius