Curt Meyer (mathematician)

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Curt Meyer (born November 19, 1919 in Lehe ; † April 18, 2011 in Herkenrath ) was a German mathematician who dealt with number theory.

Curt Meyer (2007)

He grew up in Bremerhaven, studied mathematics , physics and philosophy in Munich and Göttingen from 1937 and passed his state examination in 1940 at the University of Göttingen. He did military service in the Navy from 1941 to 1945. This was followed by an assistant position in Berlin , with the doctorate to Dr. rer. nat. at the Humboldt University in Berlin under Helmut Hasse up to his habilitation in 1955 at the University of Hamburg with appointment as a private lecturer. In 1966 he was appointed full professor of mathematics at the University of Cologne , a position that he filled until his retirement in 1985.

In his scientific work, Curt Meyer dealt with the relationships between arithmetically defined quantities (units, class numbers) and analytical objects (L series, module functions). His best-known result are class number formulas of Abelian fields over square fields (see scriptures). Using generalized Dedekind sums, he formed class invariants of real-quadratic number fields. After Harold Stark had solved the class number one problem for imaginary quadratic number fields, Curt Meyer developed his own solution a little later. In later work he studied special fourth-degree bodies (for example, as class bodies) and created extensive material on elliptical units.

He had 16 PhD students.


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