Dörte von Drigalski

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Dörte von Drigalski (* 1942 in Halle / Saale ) is a German doctor , psychotherapist and pediatrician . She practices in Hamburg and Marburg .


Drigalski is the daughter of the internist Wolfgang von Drigalski and granddaughter of the bacteriologist Wilhelm von Drigalski and the writer Liesbet Dill .

She is the mother of a son.


Drigalski grew up in Marburg and graduated from grammar school Philippinum in 1961 .

She received her PhD from the Philipps University of Marburg in 1968. med. doctoral thesis on "Testicular tumors: radiation methods, results and side effects".

As part of her psychotherapeutic specialist training, she underwent a training analysis from 1970 to 1975 as part of the German Psychoanalytical Association . She critically reflected on her experiences in her book “Flowers on Granite. An erratic and educational journey through German psychoanalysis ”, which was first published by Ullstein in 1979. In 2003 and 2019 there were updated new editions in the Antipsychiatrieverlag. In addition, the work was published in 1986 as an English translation with the title “Flowers on Granite. One Woman's Odyssey Through Psychoanalysis ”published. Tilmann Moser rates the book as a “milestone in the elucidation of many problems during the therapeutic process”. Bernd Rieken describes the book as a document of the times of those who were fundamentally impaired in their early childhood by the terrorist bombing of World War II, and as a document of a critical generation who no longer unquestionably recognize the structures that have inherited.

Later, von Drigalski dealt with the damage caused by therapy and the risks and side effects of psychotherapy.


  • Inclusion of your book in the "One Hundred Masterpieces of Psychotherapy"

Publications (selection)

  • Drigalski, D. v .: Testicular tumors: radiation methods, results and side effects . (Dissertation, University of Marburg, 1968).
  • Drigalski, D. v .: Flowers on Granite. A wandering and educational journey through German psychoanalysis . Antipsychiatrieverlag, Berlin. New edition 2019, ISBN 978-3-925931-64-2 .
  • Drigalski, D. v .: Flowers on Granite. One Woman's Odyssey Through Psychoanalysis. Creative Arts Book, Berkeley, CA, 1986, ISBN 978-3608428780 .
  • Drigalski, D. v .: The China Syndrome of Psychotherapy . In: Michael Märtens & Hilarion Petzold (eds.): “Therapies damage. Risks and side effects of psychotherapy ”. Matthias-Gründewald-Verlag, Mainz 2002, ISBN 978-3786723073 .
  • Drigalski, D. v., Grebe, H., Drigalski, K. v .: The secret curriculum. Counter memorial on the occasion of the 475th anniversary of the Philippinum grammar school in Marburg . Edition Whistleblower, Marburg, 2002

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Bruges: "A small, autonomous castrier machine". In: Der Spiegel . 1980, accessed January 20, 2020 .
  2. King Oedipus, Narcissus & Co. Review on oedipus-online.de. Accessed January 21, 2020.
  3. ^ Tilmann Moser: Time of lamenting. In: Zeit Online . November 14, 1980, accessed January 20, 2020 .
  4. a b Dörte von Drigalski: Flowers on Granite Description on springer.com. Accessed January 21, 2020.