GDR weightlifting championships 1953

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Weightlifting pictogram.svg

The 5th GDR weightlifting championships took place on July 4th and 5th, 1953 in the Plauener Festhalle. The all-round result in the Olympic three-way fight consisting of tearing, pushing and pushing was evaluated .


discipline gold silver bronze
Bantam weight (up to 56 kg) Franz Frank (BSG Stralsund unit) 260.0 kg Fritz Urban (BSG MAS Heldrungen) 242.5 kg Manfred Schaal (SK Forward KVP Leipzig) 235.0 kg
Feather weight (up to 60 kg) Georg Miske (SK Forward KVP Leipzig) 275.0 kg Werner Müller (BSG Chemie Meißen) 255.0 kg Heinz Kahl (BSG Motor Zittau) 250.0 kg
Lightweight (up to 67.5 kg) Gerhard Schulze (BSG Chemistry Meißen) 290.0 kg Kurt Helbig (SK Forward KVP Leipzig) 288.5 kg Helmuth Unrein (BSG Unit Weimar) 282.5 kg
Middle weight (up to 75 kg) Alois Hinke (BSG Motor Suhl) 310.0 kg Werner Hahnefeld (BSG Chemie Meißen) 292.5 kg Alfons Schulz (BSG Development Stralsund) 287.5 kg
Lightweight (up to 82.5 kg) Günter Siebert (SK Forward KVP Leipzig) 340.0 kg Edgar Zinnt (BSG Development Stralsund) 320.0 kg Ernst Wunsch (BSG Rotation Berlin) 280.0 kg
Medium weight (up to 90 kg) Wilhelm Ludwig (SG Dynamo Berlin) 300.0 kg Hans Jakisch (BSG Motor Görlitz) 280.0 kg Karl Mrose (BSG activist Welzow) 277.5 kg
Heavy weight (over 90 kg) Fritz Lorenz (BSG Stahl Calbe) 340.0 kg Gerhard Rugener (SK Forward KVP Leipzig) 295.0 kg Kurt Fickenscher (BSG Chemie Großbreitenbach) 290.0 kg

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