Pietro Maria Borghese

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Pietro Maria Borghese, portrait by Pietro da Cortona

Pietro Maria Borghese (* 1599 in Siena , † June 15, 1642 in Rome ) was an Italian cardinal.


Pietro Maria Borghese was born in Siena in 1599 to Marcantonio Borghese and Camilla Orsini. Despite the papal court's nepotism , Borghese received no special advantages from his great-uncle Pope Paul V , whose rule lasted until 1621. Maffeo Barberini, however, was elevated to cardinal by Pope Paul and felt the need to honor the Borghese family with a similar honor. When he was elected to the papal throne as Pope Urban VIII in 1623 , he set out to return the favor for his own career.

In the following year, on October 7, 1624, Borghese was made cardinal by Pope Urban VIII and appointed cardinal deacon of the Church of San Giorgio in Velabro . He was also a commendate abbot of three abbeys , whose income went to him. In 1626 he was appointed cardinal deacon of Santa Maria in Cosmedin .

In 1633 he was made Cardinal Protector of Flanders and on December 19, 1633 he received the title of Cardinal Deacon of San Crisogono pro illa vice . In 1638 he was made Cardinal Protector of the Republic of Genoa . He held both protectorate positions until his death.

He died in Rome on June 15, 1642 and was buried in the Borghese chapel in Santa Maria Maggiore .

Web links

Commons : Pietro Maria Borghese  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry on Pietro Maria Cardinal Borghese on catholic-hierarchy.org