DIN 18196

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Logo of the German Institute for Standardization DIN 18196
Area Earthworks and foundations
title Soil classification
Brief description: Soil classification for civil engineering purposes
Latest edition 2011-05

The DIN standard DIN 18196 regulates the classification system used in Germany for soils for structural purposes according to grain size and other properties. “Soils” does not only stand for soils in the sense of soil science , but also includes unconsolidated loose sediments near the surface that are not pedogenetically influenced . The current edition of DIN 18196 is from 2011; similar to DIN 4022 , it classifies the various floors in a hierarchical system.


The standard meets the classification shown in the table below. The identifying features and examples additionally listed in the standard are not reproduced in this list.

Main group Grain size fraction ≤ 0.063 mm Particle size proportion> 2.0 mm Group (general) Group (detailed) Abbreviation
group symbol
Coarse-grained soil ≤ 5 > 40 gravel Narrow gravel GE
Broad gravel-sand mixtures GW
Intermittently graded gravel-sand mixtures GI
≤ 40 sand Narrow tiered sands SE
Wide-ranging sand-gravel mixtures SW
Intermittently graded sand-gravel mixtures SI
Mixed grain soil 5 to 40 > 40 Gravel silt 5 to 15 wt% ≤ 0.063 mm GU
15 to 40 wt% ≤ 0.063 mm GU *
Gravel clay 5 to 15 wt% ≤ 0.063 mm GT
15 to 40 wt% ≤ 0.063 mm GT *
≤ 40 Sand silt 5 to 15 wt% ≤ 0.063 mm SU
15 to 40 wt% ≤ 0.063 mm SU *
Sand clay 5 to 15 wt% ≤ 0.063 mm ST
15 to 40 wt% ≤ 0.063 mm ST *
Fine-grained soil > 40 - Silt Slightly plastic silt (W L ≤ 35) UL
Medium-plastic silt (35 <W L ≤ 50) AROUND
Pronounced plastic silts (W L > 50) UA
volume Slightly plastic clays (W L ≤ 35) TL
Medium plastic clays (35 <W L ≤ 50) TM
Pronounced plastic clays (W L > 50) TA
Organogenic soil > 40 - Not combustible and smolderable Organogenic silts (35 <W L ≤ 50) OU
Organogenic clays (W L > 50) OT
≤ 40 Coarse to mixed-grain soils with humic additions OH
Coarse to mixed-grain soils with chalky, pebbly formations OK
Organic soil - - Flammable and smolderable Not to moderately decomposed peat HN
Decomposed peat HZ
Mudden ( digested sludge ) F.
Replenishment 1 - - - Replenishment from foreign matter []
1 A backfill is a bed made up of natural soils and / or foreign substances under human influence.

See also

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