Dactylobatus clarkii

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Dactylobatus clarkii
Dactylobatus clarkii.jpg

Dactylobatus clarkii

Subclass : Plate gill (Elasmobranchii)
without rank: Stingray (batoidea)
Order : Rajiformes
Family : Real rays (Rajidae)
Genre : Dactylobatus
Type : Dactylobatus clarkii
Scientific name
Dactylobatus clarkii
( Bigelow & Schroeder , 1958)

Dactylobatus clarkii is a member of the real ray family. Bigelow and Schroeder chosethe species addition clarkii after the marine biologist Robert Selbie Clark (1882–1950) in recognition of his revision of the European rays and real rays .


Dactylobatus clarkii is a medium-sized real ray that reaches a body length of at least 75 cm TL . The body disc is 1.2 times as wide as it is long and heart-shaped, its upper side is pale brown and studded with spikes. Usually there are small, symmetrically arranged, sharply demarcated white spots or eye spots (ocelles) on the upper side ( 1 to 3 pairs according to the first description ). The ventral side is white with dark borders around the rear edges of the body disc and pelvic fins (ventral). Its blunt snout is long and with firm rostral cartilage. The teeth of the upper jaw are arranged in 60 to 63 rows. The eyes are small, the slender tail short. The pelvic fins are clearly bilobed. The dorsal fins are low, the caudal fin is only rudimentary.

Dactylobatus clarkii differs from the second Dactylobatus species, Dactylobatus armatus , in the absence of the conspicuous lateral lobes on the pectoral fins.


Dactylobatus clarkii is spotty in the western Atlantic from South Carolina (United States) to the Rio Grande (Brazil) .

Habitat and way of life

Dactylobatus clarkii is a soil inhabitant of muddy subsoil on continental and island slopes at depths of 300 to 915 meters. Little is known about the way of life of the species. Its diet consists of small bony fish . There is a horn-shaped extension on the egg capsule.

supporting documents

  1. ^ A b Henry B. Bigelow, William C. Schroeder: Four new rajids from the Gulf of Mexico. In: Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. Volume 119, pp. 199-233. ( Online )
  2. a b c d Peter Last, Gavin Naylor, et al. : Rays of the World. 2016, Cornell University Press, ISBN 978-1501705328 , 19.21.
  3. Dactylobatus aclarkii on Fishbase.org (English)

Web links

Commons : Dactylobatus clarkii  - Collection of images, videos and audio files