Dama de Ibiza

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Dama de Ibiza in the Archaeological Museum, Madrid

Dama de Ibiza ("Lady of Ibiza") is a 45.5 centimeter high figure made of clay . It was during excavations in the necropolis of Puig des Molins on the Mediterranean island of Ibiza found, dating from the 4th or 3rd century BC. Chr.

It is probably the representation of a Carthaginian goddess, probably the Tanit . The sculpture, adorned with a rosette-set diadem, wears a richly decorated robe with plant ornaments and the image of a gorgoneion . The body of the figure was made with the help of a model , the arms with her hands held forward were added afterwards. Numerous such representations were found in the graves of the Punic occupation phase of the necropolis , which can be traced back to Sicilian and Carthaginian models. The figure is exhibited under the inventory number 1923/60/541 in the National Archaeological Museum of Spain in Madrid .

Web links

Commons : Dama de Ibiza  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Dama de Ibiza on the website of the Museo Arqueológico Nacional de España (Spanish)