Danielle Gaubert

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Danielle Gaubert (also Danièle Gaubert or Daniele Gaubert ; born August 9, 1943 in Nuars , Département Nièvre ; † November 4, 1987 in Marseille ) was a French actress .

She was discovered for the film by Claude Autant-Lara at the age of 16 and soon appeared in German productions. In 1963 she married Radhamés Trujillo Martínez, a son of the Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo, who was shot in 1961 in the town of Authouillet in Normandy .

After the divorce, she returned to the camera in 1967. She mainly played in films with sex and violence, such as the title character in Die Wölfin , where she portrayed an attractive criminal. In May 1969, pictures of her appeared in Playboy magazine . During her last film bank robbery on Monte Rosa , she met ski star Jean-Claude Killy , whom she married in 1972. She now withdrew from film and became the mother of a daughter. She died of cancer at the age of 44.


  • 1960: Les régates de San Francisco
  • 1960: Dangerous pavement (Terrain vague)
  • 1961: The King's Bed (Vive Henry IV! Vive l'amour!)
  • 1961: Imperial Highness (Napoléon II, l'aiglon)
  • 1961: Le pavé de Paris
  • 1962: The Gypsy Baron
  • 1962: Una storia milanese
  • 1963: The great love game
  • 1963: Meeting in Salzburg
  • 1964: We wait in Ashiya (Flight from Ashiya)
  • 1967: The time of cherries is over (Le grand dadais)
  • 1967: The she-wolf (La louve solitaire)
  • 1968: where, when, with whom? (Come, quando, perchè)
  • 1968: Paris n'existe pas
  • 1969: Lady of the Camellias 2000 (Camille 2000)
  • 1970: In the network of defense (underground)
  • 1971: Bank robbery on Monte Rosa (The Ski Raiders)

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