Daniel Rantzau (1534–1589)

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Daniel Rantzau ( also: Daniel von Rantzau ; * 1534 in Gut Salzau ; † August 21, 1589 ) was the lord of Salzau and the provost of Uetersen .


Document from Daniel Rantzau (1587)

Daniel Rantzau was the son of Henneke Rantzau (* in Hohenfelde; † 1557) and Drude Rantzau (* 1508; † 1581). His wife was Dorothea von Ahlefeldt (* 1530; † 1599). He succeeded Tylen Kulen, who only briefly exercised his office as provost of the Uetersen monastery . Daniel Rantzau was mentioned as follows in the church accounting book of the municipality of Seester from 1576: "Item Daniel Rantzowen in front of holdt to der dornsen in the Kosterie geven 6 M. 7 Sch." given 6 marks and 7 shillings to the sexton's house ”). The church belonged at that time under the supervision of the patronage of the monastery Uetersen, Daniel Rantzau contributed later more money to expand the sexton house to. He held the office of provost until his death in 1589, his successor was Balthasar Köller .

Literature and Sources

  • Johann Friedrich Camerer : Mixed historical-political news in letters from some strange areas of the duchies Schleßwig and Hollstein, their natural history and other rare antiquities. (1758–1762)
  • Detlef Detlefsen : History of the Holstein Elbmarschen. Volume 2 (1892)
  • Hans Ferdinand Bubbe : Attempt of a chronicle of the city and the monastery Uetersen. Volume 1, Chapter I, p. 56 (1932)
  • Erwin Freytag : List of the provosts and priories at the Cistercian nunnery and later Adlid monastery at Uetersen. Yearbook for the Pinneberg district , 1970
  • Society for Schleswig-Holstein History: Journal of the Society for Schleswig-Holstein History. Volume 101, pp. 85 and 88 (1976)
  • Elsa Plath-Langheinrich : The monastery at the Uetersten End. CDC Heydorns Verlag, 2008, ISBN 978-3-934816-04-6
  • Elsa Plath-Langheinrich: Uetersen Monastery in Holstein. Wachholtz Verlag, 2009
  • Uetersen monastery archive

Individual evidence

  1. Uetersen monastery archives : Intorporation document on account of the Elmshorn and Seester churches (1576)
predecessor Office successor
Tyler Kulen Probst of the Uetersen monastery
Balthasar Köller