Gdansk old town

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Right town hall

Old Town (Polish Stare Miasto ) is a district of Gdansk . It is historically less significant than the neighboring right town .


Old town

The old town is located in the northern part of the Śródmieście district (city center). It borders on the Rechtstadt in the south and on the Speicherinsel in the east . The areas of Zamczysko (Old Castle), Osiek (Hakelwerk) and Brama Oliwska (Oliva Gate) belong to this district.

The historic center of the old town is the Katharinenkirche and the streets adjoining it to the north (ul. Korzenna / Pfeffergasse).


Danzig 1601, old town in the upper third

Around the 1180s, craftsmen settled in the area around the later Katharinenkirche , some of them from Lübeck. Between 1224 and 1263 this settlement was granted city rights under Luebian law (possibly with the neighboring Nikolaikirche) by the Pomeranian Duke Swantopolk II , who resided in the castle to the east .

After Danzig was conquered by the Teutonic Order in 1308, some German craftsmen left the settlement. This expanded further north in the following decades. Around 1374/77 the alde stad Danczk (first mentioned with this name) was granted city charter according to Kulmischen law by the Teutonic Order, like the right town (1343/47) and then the young town (1380). At that time, several settlements existed side by side in Gdansk. A Brigitten monastery was established around 1390 .

Since the area was placed under the Polish king in 1454, there was only one council and mayor in the legal town for all German settlements. A few years later, the Bartholomäuskirche and the Carmelite monastery were relocated from the young town to the old town.

In the centuries that followed, mainly craftsmen and merchants continued to live in the old town, as evidenced by some street names (Böttchergasse, Töpfergasse, Tischlergasse, Pfeffergasse).

Central Station

In 1945 most of the old town was destroyed. Since then, the district has been dominated by modern buildings and green spaces.


View of the old town


Other structures

  • Old town hall , built in the 16th century, has been preserved
  • Big mill on the Radaunekanal
  • Polish Post , at the former Heveliusplatz 1 (today Plac Obrońców Poczty Polskiej ), an attack there triggered the Second World War
  • Central Station


  • Johannes Hevelius (1611–1687), astronomer and member of the city council, had an observatory on his roofs in Pfeffergasse, for which a monument and a water fountain were erected.

Web links

Commons : Gdańsk Old Town  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. On the question of which area received city rights around 1224/63, see Kazimierz Jasiński: Początki gminy miejskiej w Gdańsku. Na marginesie badań nad dokumentem Świętopełka dla dominikanów gdańskich z 1227 r. and Wiesław Długokęcki, Izabela Szymańska: Zmiany w przestrzeni gdańskiego miejskiego zespołu osadniczego pod panowaniem zakonu krzyżackiego a problem localizacji miasta samorządowego w Gdańsku w XIII w
  2. ^ Theodor Hirsch: Danzig trade and industrial history under the rule of the Teutonic Order. Leipzig 1858. p. 71 , with mention in 1374
  3. Pfefferstadt Danziger Straßenkunde, with other street names in the bar on the left

Coordinates: 54 ° 21 ′ 14 ″  N , 18 ° 38 ′ 55 ″  E