The inner country

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Das Inland was a weekly newspaper that appeared from 1836 to 1863 in Tartu, Livonia (German Dorpat ). It had the programmatic subtitle “A weekly for Liv, Esth and Curland history, geography, statistics and literature”.


The newspaper was published in German, the upper-class and scholarly language in Estonia , Livonia and Courland at the time, which belonged to the Russian Empire as the Baltic Governments .

The inland was written primarily for an estophilic Baltic German audience, who committed to a culturally diverse Baltic homeland. In the "Introductory Foreword" to the first edition in 1836 it said:

[...] Only he who truly loves his fatherland can be a loyal subject, a good and useful citizen; but so that this attitude is not mere instinct and habit, but rather becomes a clear consciousness, a firm conviction, one must know exactly one's homeland in all its relationships, in the past as in the present. [...]

The inland therefore contained numerous contributions to the culture, history and ethnography of the Baltic States . The newspaper was supplemented by numerous articles and supplements from the fields of literature and education. The most important were the literary supplement (1837-1840), the supplement for original articles on the literature of the Baltic Sea provinces (1846/1847), the supplement for pedagogical essays and news (1846-1848) and the pedagogical supplements on the inland (1847 -1889).

Important editors and publishers in the history of the newspaper were its founder Friedrich Georg von Bunge (1802–1897), Theodor Beise (1818–1878) and Carl Reinthal (1797–1872). Numerous Estonians also worked on it, including the writer Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald (1803–1882), the creator of the Estonian national epic Kalevipoeg .

With the year 28, Das Inland was closed on December 30, 1863.


  • Mari-Ann Palm: “Fr. R. Kreutzwald as an employee of the Dorpater Wochenschrift »Das Inland«. “In: Triangulum - Germanistic Yearbook for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Riga 2002

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