The Liberal Manifesto

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Brochure: The Liberal Manifesto

The Liberal Manifesto , actually The Liberal Manifesto of the Free Democratic Party “Zukunftschance Freiheit. Liberal Manifesto for a Society in Transition ” , was the basic program of the FDP from 1985 to 1997. It was decided at the 36th ordinary federal party conference of the FDP in Saarbrücken on February 24, 1985. The liberal manifesto replaced the Kiel theses from 1977.


Liberalism is the oldest of the modern political movements. It comes from the Enlightenment . The Free Democratic Party (FDP) stands in the tradition of classical liberalism , but it is a political re-establishment of the post-war period in the three western zones of occupation .

The Freiburg theses of the FDP from 1971 were the first party program of the major West German parties that contained a separate section on environmental protection : “Environmental protection has priority over profit and personal benefit.” However, in 1977 they were replaced by the more economically liberal Kiel theses .

The change of government in autumn 1982 made Helmut Kohl Federal Chancellor for the first time. The 1983 Bundestag election brought the Greens into parliament for the first time as an environmental party, and the FDP only barely made it into parliament. In the European elections a year later, the FDP remained below the parliamentary five percent hurdle .

At the 36th regular federal party convention of the FDP in 1985, the party leadership changed. Hans-Dietrich Genscher was replaced as party chairman by Martin Bangemann . A party program debate followed .


The Liberal Manifesto for a Society in Transition was based on the socially liberal, ecological “ Freiburg Theses ” of 1971. The changed economic conditions and problems with the welfare state were taken into account. This was followed by the re-entry into various state parliaments and the "resurrection" in the federal election in 1987 with around nine percent of the vote.

See also


Web links

Wiktionary: Manifesto  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. a b The Liberal Manifesto of the Free Democratic Party . (PDF)
  2. Kiel Theses of the Free Democratic Party . (PDF).
  3. ^ Freiburg theses on the social policy of the Free Democratic Party . (PDF)