David Vinckboons

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David Vinckboons (born August 13, 1576 in Mechelen , † 1632 in Amsterdam ) was a Dutch painter .

Jesus Heals the Blind, by David Vinckboons, in a painting by Gillis Claesz. de Hondecoeter (1608), in the Geelvinck-Hinlopen Huis Museum

David Vinckboons was born in Mechelen in Flanders as the son of the miniature painter Philipp Vinckboons, who was also his first teacher . With his father he came to Antwerp as a boy and to Amsterdam in 1591 at the latest. Vinckboons painted many small landscapes, mostly with biblical themes, and large genre pictures in the tradition of Jan Brueghel the Elder . So he created rustic and colorful social items from the life of his country such as a farmers' fair, weddings, parish festivals and hunts. Vinckboons was a mannerist , but he is considered a forerunner of the Dutch school of realists of the 17th century . His sons included the watercolor painter Johannes (* around 1616; † 1670) and the architects Justus (* around 1620; † around 1698) and Philips Vingboons (* around 1607; † 1678).


  • Hermann Arthur Lier:  Vinckboons, David . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 40, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1896, p. 402 f.
  • Klaus Ertz, Christa Nitze-Ertz; David Vinckboons 1576–1632, monograph with a critical catalog of drawings and paintings. Flemish painters in the circle of the great masters, Volume 10, Luca Verlag Lingen 2016. ISBN 978-3-923-641-60-4 . P. 419

Web links

Commons : David Vinckboons  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Klaus Ertz, Christa Nitze-Ertz: David Vinckboons 1576-1632, monograph with a critical catalog of the drawings and paintings . In: Flemish painters around the great masters . tape 10 . Luca Verlag, Lingen / Ems 2016, ISBN 978-3-923641-60-4 , p. 415 .