David W. Packard

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David Woodley Packard (* 1940 ) is an American classical philologist and patron .


David W. Packard, son of the entrepreneur David Packard (co-founder of Hewlett-Packard ) and his wife Lucille, studied classical philology at the Stanford University and Harvard University , where he in 1967 with a thesis on linear a received his doctorate. From an early age he was interested in the use of computers in classical philology and other humanities. For example, he developed the beta code in the late 1970s . He taught as a professor of Greek at the University of California, Los Angeles .

From 1987 to 1999 he was a member of the supervisory board of Hewlett-Packard. He also sat on the board of directors of the David and Lucile Packard Foundation .

David W. Packard started an initiative in 2000 to save art treasures through emergency excavations in the town of Zeugma . Due to the imminent commissioning of the Birecik power plant , the ancient city of Zeugma would be flooded by the power plant's reservoir by the end of the year. The archaeological finds that were saved, mainly mosaics, are now exhibited in the Zeugma Mosaic Museum .

In 1987 he founded the Packard Humanities Institute , a foundation to support long-term projects in the fields of archeology, music, film preservation, historical document storage and early education.

In 2002 Packard was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences .


  • A concordance to Livy. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1968.
  • Contextual and Statistical Analysis of Linear A. In: Atti e memorie del primo congresso internazionale di Micenologia Vol. 1, Rome 1968, pp. 389-394.
  • Computer Techniques in the Study of the Minoan Linear Script A. In: Kadmos 10, 1971, pp. 52-59.
  • Minoan Linear A. University of California Press, Berkeley 1974, ISBN 0-520-02580-6
  • with Tania Meyers: A bibliography of Homeric scholarship. Preliminary edition, 1930-1970 . Undena Publications, Malibu 1974.
  • with Bengt M. Loefstedt: A concordance to the sermons of Bishop Zeno of Verona . American Philological Association, New York 1975.

Individual evidence

  1. Edited by William Aylward: Excavations at Zeugma Conducted by Oxford Archeology , The Packard Humanities Institute, Los Altos, 2013 ( PDF ).
  2. ^ Foreword David W. Packard. zeugma.packhum.org, accessed on July 9, 2018 (English).