Birecik barrage on the Euphrates

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Birecik barrage on the Euphrates
Birecik dam-GAP.jpg
Location: Sanliurfa , Gaziantep ( Turkey )
Tributaries: Euphrates
Drain: Euphrates
Larger places nearby: Birecik
Birecik Euphrates Barrage (Turkey)
Birecik barrage on the Euphrates
Coordinates 37 ° 3 '12 "  N , 37 ° 53' 24"  E Coordinates: 37 ° 3 '12 "  N , 37 ° 53' 24"  E
Data on the structure
Construction time: 1996-2001
Height above valley floor: 53.5 m
Height above foundation level : 62.5 m
Height of the structure crown: 389.5  m
Building volume: 8.5 million m³
Crown length: 2 507  m
Slope slope on the air side : 1: 2.5
Slope slope on the water side : 1: 3
Power plant output: 672 MW
Data on the reservoir
Altitude (at congestion destination ) 385  m
Water surface 56.25 km²
Storage space 1220 million m³
Total storage space : 622 million m³
Catchment area 100 702  km²
Design flood : 17th 353  m³ / s

The Birecik barrage on the Euphrates is a hydropower plant near Birecik in southeastern Turkey , which was built from 1996 to 2001 as part of the Southeast Anatolia project .

It consists of a 2.5 km long dam , in the middle of which there is a concrete dam with an extraction structure, the flood relief and a power plant that generates a total output of 672 MW with its six Francis turbines, each with an output of 112 MW. Every year 2.5 billion kilowatt hours are generated. The gross head is 44.65 m, the flow rate per turbine is 320 m³ / s. The flood relief is designed for around 17,000 m³ / s.

Of the total crown length of 2507 m, the right-hand embankment accounts for 557 m, the concrete structure 489 m and the left-hand embankment 1461 m.

The dam is located on the Euphrates below the famous Ataturk dam . Down the river is the Karkamış barrage . In addition to generating electricity , the Birecik barrage is also used for agricultural irrigation.

It was the first major hydropower project in Turkey to be implemented as an operator model . The property was financed by a private consortium in which several German and European companies and banks (including Bayerische Landesbank , Chase Manhattan , Generale Bank , Girocredit Bank , KfW and Société Générale ) were involved and will be launched in 2016 after 15 years of operation handed over to the Turkish state. The main contractor for the construction work was Philipp Holzmann AG .

The reservoir has flooded large parts of the ancient cities of Apamea on the Euphrates and Zeugma .

See also


  • Prospectus of Philipp Holzmann AG: Euphrates barrage Birecik, 12/1996.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü: Şanlıurfa
  2. a b Hydroelectric Power Plants in Turkey - Guneydogu Anadolu ( Memento of the original from July 6, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /