De âlde Friezen

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De âlde Friezen ( The old Frisians ) is the unofficial national anthem of the Frisian people in the Dutch province of Friesland .

The song was originally composed by Eeltsje Hiddes Halbertsma from Grou on a well-known melody ( Vom hoh'n Olymp down ) by Heinrich Christian Schnoor . The seven-stanza text was shortened to four stanzas and edited by Jacobus van Loon. This version was proclaimed the Frisian national anthem in 1875 by the Selskip foar Fryske taal- en skriftekennisse (German: “Society for Frisian Linguistics and Literature Studies”). Although never officially recognized, it is now considered the anthem of the Dutch province of Friesland.

The text

Frisian German translation
Frysk bloed tsjoch op! Wol no ris brûze en siede,
en bûnzje troch ús ieren om!
Flean op! Wy sjonge it bêste lân fan d'ierde,
it Fryske lân fol eare en rom.
Refrain: Klink dan en daverje fier yn it rûn
Dyn âlde eare, O Fryske green! (2x)
Hoe ek fan oermacht, need en see betrutsen,
oerâlde, leave Fryske green,
Nea waard dy fêste, taaie bân ferbrutsen,
dy't Friezen oan har lân ferbûn.
Fan bûgjen frjemd, bleau by 't âld folk yn eare,
syn namme en taal, syn frije sin.
Syn became like wet; rjocht, sljocht en trou syn leare,
en twang, fan wa ek, stie it tsjin.
Trochloftich folk fan dizze âlde namme,
Wês jimmer op dy âlders grut!
Bliuw ivich fan dy grize, cherish tribe
in grien, in krêftich bloeiend leat!
Frisian blood, raise! Foams and boils,
and beat in our veins!
Up! We sing about the best country on earth
the Frisian country full of honor and fame.
Refrain: Then sound and thunder around,
your old honor, o Frisian soil. (2x)
As threatened by overwhelming power, misery and the sea,
old, dear Frisian soil.
The firm, tough bond was never broken
linked the Frisians and their country.
Against bowing, held the old people in honor,
his name and language, his sense of freedom.
It was true to his word, right, simple and true was his teaching,
and coercion, by whomever, disgusts him.
Noble people of that old name,
always be proud of these ancestors!
Stay forever from this gray high trunk
a green and vigorously blooming scion!

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