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The twelve months of the republican calendar of the French Revolution are divided into three “decades” of ten days. Decadi is the tenth day of a decade. The 10th, 20th and 30th of each month fall on a decadi. The Decadi was the official holiday of the decade cult . The day names of the Decadi are tools and technical aids.

Day names

The day names of the Decadi were (in contrast to the other day names) agricultural implements.

Day names for the decadi
month 1 re Decade 2 e decade 3 e decade
Vendémiaire 10. Cuve (vat) 20th Pressoir (wine press) 30th Tonneau (barrel)
Brumaire 10. Charrue (plow) 20th Herse (harrow) 30th Rouleau (roller)
Frimaire 10. Pioche (hoe) 20th Hoyau (ax) 30th Skin (shovel)
Nivôse 10. Fléau (flail) 20th Van (horse cart) 30th Crible (grain sieve)
Pluviôse 10. Coignée (ax) 20th Serpette (garden knife) 30th Traineau (sleigh)
Ventôse 10. Bêche (spade) 20th Cordeau (measuring line) 30th Plantoir (digging stick)
Germinal 10. Couvoir (hotbed) 20th Ruche (beehive) 30th Greffoir (grafting knife)
Floréal 10. Rateau (rake) 20th Sarcloir (weeding hoe) 30th Houlette (shepherd's staff)
Prairial 10. Faulx (scythe) 20th Fourche (pitchfork) 30th Chariot
Messidor 10. Faucille (sickle) 20th Parc (pen) 30th Chalémie (shawm)
Thermidor 10. Arrosoir (watering can) 20th Écluse (lock) 30th Moulin (mill)
Fructidor 10. Échelle (head) 20th Hotte (carrying basket) 30th Breading (basket)