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The twelve months of the republican calendar of the French Revolution are divided into three “decades” of ten days. Tridi is the third day of a decade. The 3rd, 13th and 23rd of each month and the Fête du travail of the Sansculottides fall on a Tridi.

Day names

The day names of the Tridi were (like most other day names) agricultural crops. Only in the Nivôse were the days named after minerals and animal substances.

Day names for the Tridi
month 1 re Decade 2 e decade 3 e decade
Vendémiaire  3. Châtaignes (chestnuts) 13. Potiron (melon squash) 23. Navets (water beet)
Brumaire 3. Poire (pear) 13. Jerusalem artichoke (terrestrial artichoke) 23. Garence (madder)
Frimaire 3. Chicory (chicory) 13. Cèdre (cedar) 23. Roseau (reed)
Nivôse 3. Bitume (asphalt) 13. Ardoise (slate) 23. Fer (iron)
Pluviôse 3. Fragon (butcher's broom) 13. Laurier (laurel) 23. Chiendent (couch grass)
Ventôse 3. Viollier (Levkoje) 13. Fumeterre (earth smoke) 23. Cochléria (cress)
Germinal 3. Asperges (asparagus) 13. Morille (morel) 23. Marronnier (horse chestnut)
Floréal 3. Fougère (fern) 13. Bâton d'or (gold lacquer) 23. Bourrache (borage)
Prairial 3. Trèfle (clover) 13. Pois (pea) 23. Chèvrefeuille (honeysuckle)
Messidor 3. Oignon (onion) 13. Giroflée (clove) 23. Haricots (beans)
Thermidor 3. Melon (melon) 13. Abricot (apricot) 23. Lentille (lens)
Fructidor 3. Licoperde (Stäubling) 13. Epine vinette (barberry) 23. Houblon (hops)
Sansculottids 3. Fete you travail  

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