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The twelve months of the republican calendar of the French Revolution are each divided into three "decades" of ten days. Nonidi is the ninth day of a decade. The 9th, 19th and 29th of each month fall on a nonidi.

Day names

The day names of the Nonidi were (like most other day names) agricultural crops. Only in the Nivôse were the days named after minerals and animal substances.

Day names for the Nonidi
month 1 re Decade 2 e decade 3 e decade
Vendémiaire 9. Panais (parsnip) 19th Tournesol (sunflower) 29 Orge (barley)
Brumaire 9. Alisier (service tree) 19th Grenade (pomegranate) 29 Cormier (rowanberry)
Frimaire 9. Genièvre (juniper) 19th Sabine (Sadebaum) 29 Olive (olive)
Nivôse 9. Salpêtre (saltpeter) 19th Marbre (marble) 29 Mercury (mercury)
Pluviôse 9. Peuplier (poplar) 19th Pulmonaire (lungwort) 29 Chélidoine (celandine)
Ventôse 9. Marceau (willow) 19th Cerfeuil (chervil) 29 Frêne (ash)
Germinal 9. Aulne (alder) 19th Radis (radishes) 29 Myrtil (blueberry)
Floréal 9. Hyacinth (hyacinth) 19th Arroche (garden report) 29 Sénevé (field mustard)
Prairial 9. Serpolet (Quendel) 19th Tilleul (linden) 29 Pivoine (peony)
Messidor 9. Absynthe (wormwood) 19th Cerise (cherry) 29 Blé (wheat)
Thermidor 9. Mûre (mulberry) 19th Genthiane (gentian) 29 Coton (cotton)
Fructidor 9. Réglisse (liquorice) 19th Tagette (marigold) 29 Marron (sweet chestnut)

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