Democrat Türkiye Partisi

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Democrat Türkiye Partisi (DTP)
Democrat Turkiye Partisi Logo.png
Party leader Yasar Okuyan
founding January 7, 1997
resolution May 15, 2005
Headquarters Ankara
Alignment Conservatism
Economic liberalism

The Democrat Türkiye Partisi ( DTP ; German Democratic Turkey Party ) was a Turkish party in 1997 and 2005.


The election of December 24, 1995 was won by Necmettin Erbakan's Islamic Refah Partisi (RP) with 21.4% of the vote. The Doğru Yol Partisi (DYP) was only the third strongest force behind the Anavatan Partisi (ANAP). Traditionally, in Turkey the strongest party is tasked with forming a government. But none of the other parties wanted to form a coalition with the RP, which had previously been accused of being anti-constitutional due to Islamist tendencies. The second strongest force was Çiller's DYP, which received only 19.36% of the vote, but had more seats in parliament than the third strongest party, the Anavatan Partisi (ANAP) with 19.65%, due to the right to vote. ANAP and DYP started coalition talks, but could not agree on a common government, so the ANAP had to start negotiations with the RP, which had previously been branded as anti-constitutional by all other parties.

Only after the Chief of Staff visited Tansu Ciller, DYP and ANAP agreed three months after the election on the formation of a minority coalition, which was tolerated by the Democratic Sol Parti (DSP) and the Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP). Already at the end of May 1996, however, Çiller resigned the coalition after disputes about its alleged involvement in irregularities during privatization sales by her previous government. In order to forestall a vote of no confidence requested by the RP, Yılmaz resigned on June 6th. Subsequently, the President again entrusted Erbakan as chairman of the strongest parliamentary group with the formation of a government, which this time managed to form a coalition with the DYP.

In January 1997 six members of the DYP resigned from the parliamentary group in protest against the coalition with the Islamist RP and its policies and founded the Democrat Türkiye Partisi under Hüsamettin Cindoruk . These included leading figures from the DYP and former ministers of the party.

Even the military leadership did not accept the Islamist-led government. The military intervened and, on February 28, 1997, adopted comprehensive measures to reduce religious influence on the state. In May, the public prosecutor's office initiated a ban on the RP for violating the constitution by instrumentalizing Islam for political purposes. On June 30, 1997, Erbakan resigned.

Despite the fact that DYP, RP and the Büyük Birlik Partisi (BBP) agreed to form a new government led by Tansu Çiller, President Demirel tasked the Chairman of the Motherland Party (ANAP), Mesut Yılmaz , with the formation of a new government, which was to be held on June 30 June 1997 formed a new coalition government with the Democracy Sol Parti (DSP) under Bülent Ecevit and the DTP, which was tolerated by the Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi . With İsmet Sezgin , the DTP provided a deputy prime minister who was also defense minister. In addition, with Rifat Serdaroğlu , Rifaeddin Şahin and Mehmet Batalı, three DTP members were Minister of State and Necdet Menzir was Minister of Transport.

Due to the Türkbank scandal in the government, private companies and organized crime, the government collapsed in 1999 and new elections took place. However, the DTP was only able to win 0.6% of the votes and thus failed because of the 10 percent threshold . Thereupon Cindoruk resigned from the chair and İsmet Sezgin became his successor. In 2002 Mehmet Ali Bayar took over the chairmanship of the party.

In the parliamentary elections in 2002 , the DTP ran in a joint list with the DYP, but the parties missed out on the Turkish Grand National Assembly with 9.5% . Bayar stepped back. As a result, the party could not achieve any great success. At a party congress on May 15, 2005, the party renamed itself Hürriyet ve Değişim Partisi and attempted a new beginning, which, however, did not succeed because the voters did not receive any votes. In 2008 the lot merged with Halkın Yükselişi Partisi .

Individual evidence

  1. Matthes Bube: Turkey. Politics and Contemporary History . Leske + Budrich, Opladen 1996, pp. 158-167
  2. Oluşumcular parti oldu , Sabah , January 8, 1997 (Turkish)
  3. Democrat Türkiye Partisi Meclis'te , TBMM Bülteni, Grand National Assembly of Turkey, accessed on April 30, 2018 (PDF; Turkish)
  4. ^ Judith Hoffmann: Rise and Change of Political Islam in Turkey . (= Volume 4, Middle East Studies), Verlag Hans Schiler, Berlin 2003, p. 79
  5. 55th Government of the Republic of Turkey , Grand National Assembly of Turkey, accessed April 30, 2018
  6. Results of parliamentary elections 1923-2011 Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) , (PDF; Turkish)
  7. DTP Hür Parti oldu ,, May 15, 2005 (Turkish)
  8. Yaşar Okuyan Biyografisi ,, accessed April 30, 2018 (Turkish)