Denis Mariette

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Denis Mariette (born September 4, 1666 in Paris , † September 17, 1741 ibid) was a French printer, publisher and bookseller .

life and work


Denis (also: Dyonisius ) Mariette was a member of a Parisian family of book printers and booksellers and engravers . These included his grandfather Pierre I Mariette (1603–1657), his father Pierre II Mariette (1634–1716), his half-brother Pierre-Joseph Mariette (1656–1729), his half-brother Jean Mariette (1660–1742) and his son Pierre- Jean Mariette (1694–1774). Through his mother, second wife of Pierre II Mariette, Denis Mariette was the grandson of the famous bookseller Siméon Piget († 1668).

The publisher

Denis Mariette completed an apprenticeship with Frédéric Léonard (1624–1711), the publisher of the Premonstratensians , Dominicans and Cistercians . Then he was a journeyman with Denis II Thierry († 1711). In 1693 he passed the master craftsman's examination and from 1695 was an independent printer and publisher. He called himself "the only bookseller of the Cistercian order " ( seul libraire de l'ordre de Cîteaux ) and printed the Charte de Charité (no year), the Rituel françois pour les religieuses de l'Ordre de Cisteaux (1715), the Breviarium Cisterciense ( 1717, 1727), as well as psalms , the works of Augustinus , Claude Lancelot , Jean Polinier (1646–1727), Antoine Leget (1658–1728), Julien Loriot (1633–1715), as well as an edition of the Lexicon by Louis Moréri .


  • Louis Meschet: Privilèges de l'ordre de Citeaux recueillis et compilés de l'autorité du chapitre général et par son ordre exprès, divisés en deux parties contenant les bulles des papes et les lettres patentes des rois et leurs règlements . Mariette, Paris 1713.

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Individual evidence
