Tunuyán Department

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Tunuyán Department (Mendoza - Argentina) .png
Location of Tunuyán in Mendoza (Argentina)
Capital Tunuyan
population 42,125 (2001, INDEC)
surface 3,317 km²
Population density 12.7 inhabitants / km²

The Tunuyán Department is located in the west of the Mendoza Province in western Argentina and is one of 18 administrative units in the province.

It borders the Tupungato Department in the north, the San Carlos Department in the east and south, and Chile in the west .

The capital of the department Tunuyán is the same Tunuyán . It is located 1,175 km from Buenos Aires.


According to INDEC estimates, the population increased from 42,125 inhabitants (2001) to 44,048 inhabitants in 2005.


The Tunuyán Department is divided into the following districts:

Web links

Coordinates: 33 ° 36 ′  S , 69 ° 12 ′  W