The key of Solomon

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The Key of Salomon is a science thriller by Portuguese author José Rodrigues dos Santos , released in 2014 under the title A Chave de Salomão .

The German translation is due to appear on March 15, 2018 by luzar publishing and is a thematic continuation of Das Einstein Enigma . The novel combines an exciting plot with the world of quantum physics , in particular the ideas and discussions of the physicists Albert Einstein , Erwin Schrödinger , Werner Heisenberg and Niels Bohr . Using the double slit experiment and other quantum mechanical findings, philosophical questions about life, death, spirit, consciousness and soul as well as the origin of the universe are discussed and medical phenomena such as the near-death experience are discussed.


Tomás Noronha, cryptologist and history professor at the New University of Lisbon, travels to Geneva in his capacity as a consultant at the Gulbenkian Foundation to purchase the Tabula Smaragdina , an alchemical manuscript by Hermes Trismegistus . Shortly after his return he received a valuable pentacle of unknown origin in the mail - also from Geneva. He also learns that his mother has had a heart attack in the retirement home and rushes to her. Together with the home manager Maria Flor Sequeira, Tomás visits the treating cardiologist and delves into the fascinating phenomenon of the near-death experience . A little later a CIA agent wants to arrest him. Because at the same time that Tomás was in Geneva, Frank Bellamy, the CIA's director of science , was found dead during a century experiment on the creation of the universe in CERN , the European nuclear research center. The only clue is a note in the dead man's hand, which Tomás Noronha calls 'the key'.

The CIA is determined to catch the killer. In order to save his life, the famous cryptanalyst must convict the real culprit. On the run from the CIA hunters, Tomás Noronha starts with the only available clue: the psi symbol ψ on the piece of paper - the symbol for the wave function of quantum physics. In doing so, he delves into the intricacies of the double-slit experiment, according to which particles can be in several places at the same time, and the explosive effects of this finding on the understanding of human consciousness. Thanks to the pentacle and its mysterious inscriptions, Tomás comes step by step closer to the answer about the real murderer Bellamys, until he comes to the cryptos sculpture on the grounds of the CIA headquarters in Langley . Their fourth message is part of Bellamy's last message and must be deciphered. Meanwhile, Bellamy's successor is determined to bring the late CIA director's secret project, The Quantum Eye , under his control. To do this, however, he first has to find the project, for which he in turn depends on Tomàs' help. To force him to cooperate, he has Maria Flor kidnapped as leverage. She is then handed over to a psychopathic major who intended her to be ritually sacrificed. To save her, Tomás has to find The Quantum Eye - and Maria Flor. However, he first discovered something else: that Frank Bellamy succeeded in establishing the theory of everything, hotly contested by physicists of the highest order. So he found the holy grail of physics ... which intelligence is ready to go over corpses for.

Backgrounds and theses

The novel quotes research results from quantum mechanics . He discusses our understanding of human consciousness , its possibilities and human identity. The following questions are raised:

Is the human being an independent individual? Does reality exist independently of our perception (see idealism )? The phenomenon of the near-death experience leads the author to the question of whether there is a soul . If so, does it exist independently of the brain ? How do thoughts arise ? Is a decision actually made consciously? Could matter also have consciousness? Does the presence of an observer affect consciousness and reality?

JR Dos Santos' sources

José Rodrigues dos Santos draws on extensive sources, including Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein ; The Evolution of Physics - From Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta by Albert Einstein and Leopold Infeld ; My View of the World and Mind and Matter by Erwin Schrödinger ; Determinismo ou Indeterminismo and Where is Science Going? from Max Planck ; The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory, Physics and Beyond and La Nature dans la physique contemporaine by Werner Heisenberg ; The implicit order. Foundations of a dynamic holism by David Bohm ; and Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics by John Stewart Bell ; as well as the biographies Subtil É o Senhor - Vida e Pensamento de Albert Einstein by Abraham Pais ; Einstein - A Life by Denis Brian; Beyond Uncertainty - Heisenberg, Quantum Physics, and the Bomb by David Cassidy and Erwin Schrödinger and the Quantum Revolution by John Gribbin , Mind, Language and Society - Philosophy in the Real World by John Searle ; O Sentimento de Si - O Corpo, a Emoção ea Neurobiologia da Consciência by António Damásio ; Consciousness Explained by Daniel C. Dennett ; A Alma Está no Cérebro - Uma Radiografia da Máquina de Pensar by Eduardo Ponset; Awareness of Susan Blackmore ; Mind, Matter and Quantum Mechanics by Henry Stapp ; Shadow of the mind. Paths to New Physics of Consciousness by Roger Penrose and Eyewitness Testimony by Elizabeth Loftus .

On the basis of the sources, in comparison to the sources given for the novel Das Einstein Enigma , a clear departure of the author from intelligent design towards a naturalistic worldview and the turn to psychology can be seen.
