The promised day has come

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The promised day has come is the title of a nearly 170-page German translation of an English-language letter from Shoghi Effendi dated March 28, 1941 to the Baha'i in the West ("The Promised day is Come").


In this work, Shoghi Effendi interprets salvation history from a Baha'i perspective, the revolutionary events that have occurred in Europe and Asia since the middle of the 19th century. Shoghi Effendi sees the cause of the revolutionary events in the fact that the rulers and clergy did not pay any attention to the letters of Bahāʾullāh . In order to substantiate this interpretation, Shoghi Effendi translated and quoted passages from the writings of Bahāʾullāh as well as from the Kitab-i-Aqdas , the Book of Certainty , the Hidden Words and from all the letters that were later claimed and proclaimedwere published. In these passages, the rulers and the clergy were revealed to the divine plan, which is destined to raise mankind to a higher stage of its development and to create a new, spiritually healthier world. In addition, they were called and admonished to implement this plan and warned against disregarding it. In addition, Shoghi Effendi comments on text passages he has translated from the Qayyūm al-Asmā , the Seven Evidence , the Bayan and the Bab's letter to Mohammed Shah .


Bahāʾullāh addressed the rulers of his time as a whole and some individually. The individually addressed rulers included, for example, Emperor Napoleon III. of the Second French Empire , Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , Tsar Alexander II of the Russian Empire , King Wilhelm I of the Kingdom of Prussia , Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria-Hungary , Sultan Abdülaziz of the Ottoman Empire and Shah Nāser ad-Dīn of Persia . Shoghi Effendi characterized these rulers and described their fate when they paid no attention to the missives. He also explained the divine retribution at the house of the Qajars , the decline of the Romanov-Holstein-Gottorp house , the rise of Bolshevism and the fate of the Habsburgs .


Shoghi Effendi quotes letters in which Bahāʾullāh addresses the Christian and Muslim clergy. Shoghi Effendi also quotes letters in which Bahāʾullāh addresses the Jews and the clergy of Zoroastrianism . Pope Pius IX from the Papal States was approached individually by Baha'ullah. Shoghi Effendi characterizes this Pope and described his fate when he ignored the missive. Shoghi Effendi describes the collapse of the caliphate and interprets it as well as numerous other events as the decline of the individual religions.


  • Shoghi Effendi: The Promised Day has come . Bahá'í-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1967 ( online ).
  • Shoghi Effendi: The Promised day is Come . Bahá'í Publishing Trust, Wilmette, Illinois, USA 1943 ( online ).