Detlef Hammer

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Detlef Hammer (born April 2, 1950 in Gersdorf , Erzgebirge, † April 3, 1991 in Magdeburg ) was a lawyer at the Evangelical Consistory in Magdeburg and Consistorial President. At the same time he was an officer in the special operation of the GDR State Security .


Grew up as the son of a manager, Detlef (also Detlev) Hammer studied law from 1968 to 1972 at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg . To the Dr. jur. he received his doctorate in 1988 with a "study on the regulation of the foundation in the German Democratic Republic on the basis of the civil code" at the Humboldt University in Berlin . During his studies in 1970 he signed up as an unofficial employee of the State Security. "IM Detlef" became an informant in the area of ​​the Protestant student community . Only there he was confirmed, gained trust in the closest circle of employees and became a delegate of the synod of the ecclesiastical province, where he was offered entry into the church service. After the MfS had given him a salary subsidy, he took up service in the consistory of the Church Province of Saxony in 1974 (as "OibE Günther") as a legal consistorial councilor , later he became senior consistorial councilor and department head for pastor training as well as diakonia and ecumenism.

Hammer was successful in providing legal support for diaconal and other church institutions and parishes, including the expansion of ecumenical relationships in western countries, of which he regularly informed the MfS. At the same time, he exerted an influence on personnel policy in the regional church in the sense of the MfS, as was shown for example in the measure against the Halle-Neustädter youth deacon Lothar Rochau , who was isolated and arrested. Hammer campaigned at the MfS for people who had been imprisoned for “illegally crossing the border” and for people who had applied for an exit from the GDR.

In April 1989, Hammer was appointed consistorial president, and his duties began on May 1, 1990. His application for dismissal from the church service in February 1991 was not granted.

Hammer was found dead in his home on April 3, 1991. The circumstances of death and the exact cause of death are still controversial today. Officially, Hammer died of sudden cardiac death.

In August 1991, media publications made Hammer's work for the MfS known. In the Stasi files preserved today, his documents for the period from 1978 to 1989 are missing, so that the actual extent of his espionage activity has not yet been finally clarified.

After Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski, Detlef Hammer's case is one of the most dramatic MfS espionage cases within the GDR. His appointment as a church official was revoked post mortem.

Hammer was married and had two children.

Individual evidence

  1. Detlev Hammer (1990–1991) - Dr. jur. Senior Consistorial Councilor and Consistorial President - an espionage case, EKM story, accessed on September 9, 2015
  2. ^ Reference in the catalog of the German National Library
  3. Helmut Müller-Enbergs (ed.): Inofficial employees of the Ministry for State Security: Part 2, Berlin 1998, p. 90


  • Harald Schultze, Waltraut Zachhuber, espionage against a church leadership: Detlef Hammer - Stasi officer in the Magdeburg Consistory: discussions, documents, research, comments; H. Schultze, 1994
  • Helmut Müller-Enbergs : The Federal Commissioner for the Records of the State Security Service, the former. German Democratic Republic, Dept. of Education and Research, 2012, 3rd, through. Ed .; ISBN 978-3-942130-26-4 .
  • Tina Krone and Reinhard Schult (eds.) "Be subject to the authorities". Original documents from the Stasi church department XX / 4, Berlin 1992, pp. 149–164; Publisher: Robert Havemann Society

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