German Society for Rheumatology

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German Society for Rheumatology
purpose Medical Society for Rheumatology
Chair: Hanns-Martin Lorenz (2017/2018)
Establishment date: January 27, 1927
Number of members: 1,400
Seat : Berlin

The German Society for Rheumatology eV (DGRh) has around 1,400 members and represents rheumatology in Germany. As a non-profit association , the DGRh works independently and without pursuing economic goals for the benefit of the general public. The DGRh is a member of the Working Group of Scientific Medical Societies ( AWMF ).

tasks and goals

The aims of the company are research into rheumatic diseases and the professional exchange of scientific knowledge and practical experience. The DGRh promotes scientific concepts for basic, advanced and advanced training of doctors and members of medical assistant professions as well as the training of patients. In this way, it ensures that scientific knowledge is transferred to applied medicine. Informing its members, the medical profession and the public about developments in rheumatology is an essential task of the DGRh.

Structure and bodies

The goals and tasks are set by the board with the support of the scientific advisory board and implemented in working groups, commissions and working groups. The office supports and coordinates their work. In the bodies of the DGRh, studies are carried out, scientific concepts are developed and guidelines and reports are drawn up. They provide the impetus for the content orientation of the DGRh. Scientific developments are presented and discussed at scientific conferences that the society organizes on a regular basis. The promotion of scientific work in the field of rheumatism research through prizes and grants as well as the cooperation with other specialist organizations are further measures with which the DGRh realizes its research and exchange work.

The two working groups represent a specialty. Originally independent groups funded by the federal government, the Working Group Regional Cooperative Rheumatism Centers (AGRZ) since 1996 and the Competence Network Rheuma (KNR) since 2004 have been part of the DGRh. The KNR unites all doctors and scientists from various institutions and disciplines who are active in rheumatism research. The regional associations of clinics, resident rheumatologists and other professional groups involved in the care of people with rheumatism are organized in the AGRZ. This interplay of research, science and practice under the umbrella of the DGRh ensures sustainable development in rheumatology and the transfer to patient care .


In order to directly support the further training of doctors, the DGRh founded the rheumatological training academy together with the professional association of German rheumatologists (BDRh) in 2004. On behalf of its shareholders, it implements the concepts of further education and training for doctors and medical assistant professions. In November 2008, the DGRh and the self-help organization Deutsche Rheuma-Liga signed the charter for the Rheumastiftung. With the foundation, both organizations are committed to science and research in the field of rheumatology and a better living situation for people with rheumatism.


Members are doctors as well as psychologists, natural and social scientists interested in rheumatology. You have made it your business to improve the possibilities for treating people with rheumatism. In addition, other persons, associations, institutions or organizations can also become corporate and sponsoring members, provided they support the objectives of the DGRh. As members of a DGRh committee, the members work on a voluntary basis.


On January 27, 1927, the German section of the International Rheumatism League founded the year before was founded. Eduard Dietrich became the first chairman of the section , and Max Hirsch became the secretary . In August 1927, the general assembly confirmed the proposal of the board to convert the section into the "German Society for the Fight against Rheumatism". Society experienced its first major turning point in 1933, when it submitted to the so-called Führer principle , following the guidelines of the National Socialists . Heinrich Vogt became the new chairman . During the Second World War , the work of society came almost completely to a standstill. In 1944 Max Hochrein became the new chairman.

In the Federal Republic of Germany it was re-established with the current name, which despite the new name is in the tradition of the old society for combating rheumatism.


In the German Democratic Republic , a “rheumatology working group” was initially founded, from which in 1967 the German Society for Rheumatology emerged within the Society for Clinical Medicine of the GDR . The non-recognition of the GDR in the World Health Organization also led to the non-recognition of the GDR society in the European Rheumatism League (EULAR) and the ILAR. In response, in 1969 members in the GDR were forbidden to join the DGRh at the same time. In April 1990, democratic board elections in GDR society took place for the first time in Gera . The following board meetings led to a unification of the two societies through the unified admission of the members of the GDR society to the DGRh at the DGRh congress on September 26, 1990 in Hanover .


  • Torsten Hewelt: The History of the German Society for Rheumatology 1927-2007 . Projekt-Verlag Halle (Saale), 2009.

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