German newspaper in Amsterdam

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The Deutsche Zeitung in Amsterdam - the weekly newspaper for politics, economics, literature and art was a short-lived newspaper that appeared on Saturdays from 1911 to 1912 and was distributed outside of the Netherlands in their colonies , in the German Empire , Austria , Switzerland and other countries. The “guaranteed” edition was (December 1911) according to the company's own information, 3000 copies. The founders were the German-Austrian Heinrich Poeschl, who claimed to have the support of the Pan-German Association , and the Dutchman Arnold Verweij.

The first edition appeared on April 8, 1911. The newspaper quickly attracted criticism, the Foreign Office said that Poeschl's editorials lacked “momentum” and that his display of his Pan-German and anti-ultramontaneous stance was not even in Dutch circles arrived safely. There was also no lack of anti-Semitic tirades. In addition, Poeschl accused August Prell , the editor-in-chief of the competition paper Deutsche Wochenzeitung for the Netherlands and Belgium , of threatening potential advertisers. Prell then opened an investigation, which revealed that Poeschl had previously been convicted of extortion as editor of the mortgage market in Austria, whereupon he had left after leaving a bail. This was confirmed in his newspaper by the Austrian consulate.

Consul General Rienacker, who had a tense relationship with Prell, unsuccessfully asked the Foreign Office to support Poeschl's paper. According to Prell, he finally invested money out of his own pocket, in vain, because after the publication of the newspaper had to be suspended several times for financial reasons, it was bankrupt just a year after it was founded. Poeschl now left the Netherlands again through indebtedness and went to Berlin , from where he was deported to Austria-Hungary after he had behaved abnormally there.


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Individual evidence

  1. Nicole Eversdijk: Culture as a political advertising materials . Waxmann Verlag, Münster 2010, ISBN 978-3-8309-2308-4 , p. 215. Revised and abridged dissertation, Münster 2007.
  2. ^ "Deutsche Zeitung in Amsterdam.", De Tijd , December 30, 1911, p. 1.
  3. André Beening: Onder de vleugels van de adelaar. De Duitse buitenlandse politiek ten anzien van Nederland in the period 1890–1914 . Dissertation, Amsterdam 1994, p. 111.
  4. ^ "Deutsche Zeitung in Amsterdam", Algemeen Handelsblad , April 9, 1911, p. 9.
  5. Nicole Eversdijk: Culture as a political advertising materials . Waxmann Verlag, Münster 2010, ISBN 978-3-8309-2308-4 , pp. 215-216. Revised and abridged dissertation, Münster 2007. Critic from p. 216, footnote 13.
  6. André Beening: Onder de vleugels van de adelaar. De Duitse buitenlandse politiek ten anzien van Nederland in the period 1890–1914 . Dissertation, Amsterdam 1994, pp. 111-112.
  7. Mededeelingen van den Nederlandsche Journalistenkring , number 149, October 1912, p. 123. Here in the wrong spelling Hypothekmarkt .
  8. André Beening: Onder de vleugels van de adelaar. De Duitse buitenlandse politiek ten anzien van Nederland in the period 1890–1914. Dissertation, Amsterdam 1994, p. 112.