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Map showing the course of the Dhur River

Map showing the course of the Dhur River

location Bumthang , Bhutan
River system Ganges Brahmaputra
Drain over Menchugang  → Bumthang  → Tongsa  → Manas  → Brahmaputra  → Jamuna  → Padma  → Meghna  → Bay of Bengal
muzzle Confluence with the Ramling to Menchugang coordinates: 27 ° 36 '39 "  N , 90 ° 40' 30"  O 27 ° 36 '39 "  N , 90 ° 40' 30"  O

length 25 km

The Dhur is a river in the Dzongkhag (District) Bumthang in northeast Bhutan . It is one of the source rivers of the Menchugang .

The Dhur is about 25 km long, then it flows together with the Ramling and forms the men’s entrance. There are several hot springs at the mouth .

The area around the Dhur is mainly overgrown with a coniferous forest of teardrop pines ( Pinus wallichiana ). The area is known for its exceptionally rich flora. Many plants are endemic to the narrow river valley , such as Lilium sherriffiae , a rare species of lily. One species of the louse herb genus , Pedicularis dhurensis RR Mill, was even named after the river.

Individual evidence

  1. Yeshey Dorji: Important Medicinal Plants Areas in Bhutan. Ministry of Agriculture Royal Government of Bhutan pdf ( Memento from February 2, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ RR Mill: Notes Relating to the Flora of Bhutan: XLIII. Scrophulariaceae (Pedicularis). In: Edinburgh Journal of Botany. (2001), 58: 57-98 Cambridge University Press abstract