Thick feet

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Thick feet
Copper-scaly thick foot (Cortinarius spilomeus)

Copper- scaly thick foot ( Cortinarius spilomeus )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Veil relatives (Cortinariaceae)
Genre : Veils ( Cortinarius )
Subgenus : Thick feet
Scientific name
Cortinarius subg. Sericeocybe

The thick feet ( sericeocybe ) are mushrooms and form a sub-genus of the veils ( Cortinarius ). Some authors combine them with the belt feet and water heads in a subgenus.

Most important characteristics: The hat skin is never slimy-greasy, hardly woolly or felty. At most, the surface is slightly greasy when it is damp. The hat skin often looks silky to mica. Bluish shades are common in this group of mushrooms.


  • The hat is not hygrophan, rarely a bit slimy, but mostly dry. The surface is silky to mica, rarely scaly or felty. The hat color does not change when the fungus loses moisture.
  • The lamellae are clay-colored, brownish to rust-brown, blue to purple.
  • The stem is dry, the shape cylindrical and often thickened a little club at the foot.
  • The spore powder is rusty brown.

Microscopic features

  • The spores are 6.5–9 × 4–6 μm in size, elliptical in shape. The surface is slightly rough.


As mycorrhizal fungi , the thick feet are bound to deciduous or coniferous trees and therefore only occur in forests or on the edge of the forest. The time of publication is usually autumn .

Food value

The enjoyment value of most thick feet is doubtful. All species are believed to be inedible or slightly poisonous.


The shape and surface of the stem are important for further determination. The smell, location, color and type of hat surface can provide further clues about the species.

Types of thick feet and silk heads ( sericeocybe )

There are around 40 species in German-speaking countries.

Thick feet and silk heads in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
German name Scientific name author Synonyms
White-violet thick foot Cortinarius alboviolaceus (Pers .: Fr.) Fr.
Pointed thick foot Cortinarius argutus Fr. , ss.Ricken
Brown alpine silk head Cortinarius alpicolus (Receipt) receipt C. epsomiensis var. Alpicola Bon , C. epsomiensis P.D. Orton
Gray-brown silk head , brown-violet thickfoot, Kalkholder Alpen-Seidenkopf (f. Calcialpinus) Cortinarius anomalus (Fr .: Fr.) Fr. C. anomalus var. Lepidopus
Boar belt foot Cortinarius aprinus Melot C. sordescens R. Henry. ss.auct.
Silver thick foot Cortinarius argentatus (Pers .: Fr.) Fr.
White thick foot Cortinarius argenteopileatus Nezdojm. C. kauffmanianus Rob. Henry , C. subargentatus P .D. Orton
Blue-edged silk head Cortinarius azureovelatus PD Orton C. azureovelatus var. Subcaligatus
Violet-blue silk head Cortinarius azureus Fr. C. anomalus var. Azureus (Fr.) GJKrieglst.
Bocks-Dickfuß Cortinarius camphoratus Fr. non ss. Ricken C. amethystinua (Schaeffer) Quel. , C. hircinus Fr. , Inoloma hircinum (Fr.) Ricken
Rusty-brown thick foot Cortinarius caninus (Fr.) Fr. C. anomalus ssp. caninus (Fr.) Konr. & Maubl.
Reddening thick foot Cortinarius cyanites Fr.
Discoloring thick foot Cortinarius decoloratus (Fr .: Fr.) Fr.
Cortinarius depauperatus (JE Lange) Soop C. spilomeus var. Depauperatus Lge.
Leather yellow thick foot Cortinarius diabolicus Fr.
Large radish thick foot , double odor thick foot Cortinarius diosmus Bolder
Exalted belt foot , gloomy belt foot Cortinarius ectypus Favre
Rust-footed thick foot Cortinarius ferrugineipes Ricek 1987
Earth-brown slimy foot Cortinarius lepidopus Cooke C. anomalus var. Cervisipes ; C. anomalus var. Lepidopus
Hygrophan-like thick foot Cortinarius malachioides PDOrton
Hygrophan thick foot Cortinarius malachius (Fr .: Fr.) Fr. non Orton
Mennigot water head Cortinarius miltinus Fr.
Blueberry slimy foot Cortinarius myrtillinus Fr.
Ocher-leaved silk head Cortinarius ochrophyllus Fr.
Misshapen thick foot Cortinarius opimus Fr. ss. Ricken
Violet-stemmed cinnamon belt foot Cortinarius pearsonii PD Orton C. malachius ss. Pearson non auct., According to IF = C. cremeolaniger P.D. Orton
Brown scaly thick foot Cortinarius pholideus (Fr .: Fr.) Fr. C. lepidomyces
Gray Blue Dickfuß , Kaumrötender Dickfuß Cortinarius pseudocyanites Rob. Henry
Cortinarius rugosus Rob. Henry
Radish thick foot Cortinarius simulatus PD Orton C. cinereoviolaceus Lge.
Sunset girdle foot Cortinarius solis-occasus Melot C. bivelus ss. Floppy
Red-scaled thick foot Cortinarius spilomeus (Fr .: Fr.) Fr.
Cortinarius subcompactus Rob. Henry
Pig's thick foot Cortinarius suillus Fr. ss. Long, not ss. Joachim, Favre
Felty scaly silk head Cortinarius tomentosus Rob. Henry
Saffron fleshy thick foot , purple thick foot Cortinarius traganus Fr.
Fragrant thick foot Cortinarius traganus var finitimus Weinm.
Clay-white thick foot Cortinarius turgidus Fr.
Big willow foot Cortinarius urbicus Fr.
Violet-gray thick foot Cortinarius violaceocinereus (Pers .: Fr.) Fr.
Fluffy thick foot Cortinarius viscidulus MM Moser. ined. C. tabularis (Bull.:Fr.) Fr. ss. Moser.


  • Marcel Bon: Parey's book of mushrooms , Paul Parey publishing house, Hamburg, Berlin, 1988, ISBN 3490198182

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