Dicranum spadiceum

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Dicranum spadiceum
Dicranum spadiceum (b, 145051-472859) 5986.JPG

Dicranum spadiceum

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Dicranidae
Order : Dicranales
Family : Dicranaceae
Genre : Dicranum
Type : Dicranum spadiceum
Scientific name
Dicranum spadiceum

Dicranum spadiceum ( Auburn Fork Teeth Moss ) is a moss - kind from the family Dicranaceae .


The species makes dense, green or yellowish to brown-green lawns. The plants are up to 7 centimeters tall and have a slight rhizoid tomentose. The loosely fitting to upright, fairly straight to slightly bent leaves are tapering from the ovate-lanceolate base into a tubular awl tip, all margins up to the upper third slightly serrated. The rib ending in the tip of the leaf or emerging briefly takes up about 1/10 to 1/6 of the leaf width at the leaf base; In cross-section, it shows two stereidal bands next to the median deuter cells, the back is smooth without longitudinal lamellae. Leaf wing cells are clearly pronounced. The lamina cells are square to short rectangular and single-layered at the top, elongated rectangular to linear and spotted at the base of the leaf.

Sporophytes are rarely formed.

Distribution and location requirements

Dicranum spadiceum with arctic-alpine distribution occurs in Europe, Asia and North America. The occurrences in Central Europe are located in mountainous regions, rising from the tree line to the alpine level. Humid soil, humus rocks and rotten wood are populated in light locations, for example in alpine pastures. The moss is weakly acid-loving.


Web links

Commons : Dicranum spadiceum  - album with pictures, videos and audio files