The book printers of the 16th and 17th centuries in the German-speaking area

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The book printers of the 16th and 17th centuries in the German-speaking area is the title of a book published in several editions about early book printers in the German-speaking area . The work, first published by Josef Benzing in 1963, developed into the standard work for information about printers and printing activities in various cities. The German National Library categorized the third edition in particular under its headings “Industrial and craft production” and “Manuscripts, rare books”.

Contents of the third edition


In particular, the new edition by Christoph Reske , first published in 2007, reflected the biographical and bibliographical knowledge of 381 places in the German-speaking area as well as 2662 book printers from the 16th and 17th centuries and 326 printers who " took over existing offices from the 17th century, but only were active in the 18th century ”. Compared to previous editions, the information has been supplemented by facets of the respective life situations of the persons described, for example

"Family members, circle of acquaintances (including authors), financial situation (debts, other business), property (moving property, real estate, inheritance), relationship to authorities (appointments, censorship , lawsuits), workshop equipment, employees, references to colleagues, etc. a. with exact reproduction of the corresponding sources ... "

Reske didn't just want to publish a reference work , but

“… Often deep insights into the working world of the individual printers, dynasties and the entire professional branch, as well as into the realities of life at the time and into the state of mind as it was, among other things. a. demonstrated by the book production ... "

Research needs

In the foreword of his book, the author Christoph Reske asks "for indulgence [that] in view of the abundance of material [...] one thing or the other might have been overlooked," as the example of Nicolaus Förster shows.


  • Josef Benzing: The book printers of the 16th and 17th centuries in the German-speaking area (= contributions to the book and library system . Volume 12) Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1963, DNB 118655663 .
  • ditto, 2nd, improved and supplemented edition. 1982, ISBN 3-447-02175-6
  • Christoph Reske: The book printers of the 16th and 17th centuries in the German-speaking area / Based on the work of the same name by Josef Benzing (= contributions to books and libraries . Volume 51). Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2007, ISBN 978-3-447-05450-8 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  • ditto, 2nd, revised and expanded edition. 2015, ISBN 978-3-447-10416-6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Compare the information from the German National Library (see web links)
  2. a b c d e Christoph Reske: Foreword , in: Die Buchdrucker… , pp. VII – X (see section Editions )
  3. Compare, for example, this partial information from the German National Library on Nicolaus Förster