The night is not just for sleeping

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The night is not just for sleeping there is the title of a successful German hit from 1938.


The music came from Theo Mackeben , the text from Otto Ernst Hesse . The title was first sung by Gustaf Gründgens in 1938 in the film Tanz auf dem Vulkan , set in Paris in 1830. The song was the catchy tune of the - by the standards of the time - monumental equipment film and musical .

The song soon became a hit . It consists of several stanzas that are sung throughout the film. The rebellious theater actor Debureau , lyricist and interpreter in the film, is also a master of improvisation. Jean-Gaspard Deburau (known as an actor and mime Pierrot ) is in the film as spiritual leader of the July Revolution of 1830 against the hated King Charles X shown. The figure Jean-Gaspard Deburau fit politically into the time of National Socialism and its ideals. Several performers sang the song on record. The song was released on record in full and in a shortened version. The full version, sung by Gustaf Gründgens, was published as early as 1938. The song is sweeping. There are also newer interpretations.


When the citizens go to sleep
In the
pointed cap And plead to their king
that he protect them,
We draw festively dressed
to the taverns;
Schlendrian, Schlendrian
Under the lanterns.

The night is not only there for sleeping.
The night is there for something to happen.
A ship is not only there for the port,
it has to go out to sea!
Get intoxicated, friends, drink and love and laugh
and live the most beautiful moment,
The night that you spent in a drunkenness,
Means bliss and happiness!

When the sparkling wine is sparkling in the glass
Under red lights
And the girls are frightened sweetly
On our laps we kick,
We kiss the prudish
From the red mouths;
Amnesty, amnesty to
all good sinners!

The night is not just for sleeping ...

When the morning finally
comes through the misty windows,
And the men without a bride
stay together, they
bombs out of conversations in a whisper ;
Rebellion, rebellion
in the catacombs!

The night is not just for sleeping ...

(Almost all interpretations of the song end here, but the text continues as follows :)

Whether I'm playing Pierrot,
hears me in silence.
Today I
have to show you Pierrot like that.
The courtesy that
we always have in common,
that the clown who is with us today,
does not feel lonely.

The comedian is dishonorable
for the cavaliers
whether his heart burns with suffering:
Schmiere! Nothing but goo!
With a whip you think you are
sneering at him,
but he'll pull off the leather ...

(text spoken over the music)

... and if you do not accept your sword,
you will have to accept your verses!
And they hit better! Always fatal!
In his heart!

(and sung again)

The state,
taxes, taxes, taxes is without means .
The potentate needs money
to fire them out. The people must pay for
parties, pageantry and gluttony
Cook a porridge for the king ...

(and spoken over the music again)

... how you have to eat it if you want to be full.
But quite a fat one that it gets stuck in the throat.

(and sung again)

The night is not just for sleeping ...

Let the old fool flee,
who judges himself,
we want to move into the future,
which renounces him,
but we
always want to memorize in the victory run : Open your
eyes ! Open eyes!
Then nothing can happen.

The night is not only there for sleeping.
The night is there for something to happen.
A ship is not only there for the port,
it has to go out to sea!
Get intoxicated, friends, drink and love and laugh
and live the most beautiful moment,
The night that you spent in a drunkenness,
Means bliss and happiness!


Numerous artists, singers and groups interpreted this song, e. B .:

Individual evidence

  1. Gustaf Gründgens: The night is not just for sleeping on YouTube
  2. Das Meistersextett (Comedian Harmonists) - The night is not just for sleeping on YouTube
  3. Max Raabe & Das Palast Orchester - The night is not just for sleeping there 2010 on Youtube
  4. Liederjan - The night is not just for sleeping there on Youtube