The beautiful world

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Die Schöne Welt was a customer magazine of the Deutsche Bundesbahn , it appeared from 1957 to 1990. The successor was “Intercity”, from 1995 “ZUG. For people on the go ”and since 1999“ mobile ”.


The magazine was published under the lead responsibility of the advertising office of the Deutsche Bundesbahn, which also included the DSG . In addition, there were the tour operators Touropa and Scharnow-Reisen , which later formed the Touristik Union International . Also Ameropa and the German travel agency were among this circle. The magazine was produced editorially and technically by Süddeutscher Verlag in Munich on behalf of the publisher .


Initially, the travel magazine appeared eight times a year, from 1968 monthly. At that time it was 36 pages long, but in the 1980s, due to the ever increasing number of advertisements, it grew to 92 pages. Each booklet was richly illustrated, the majority of the photos came from the authors themselves. The print run was 200,000 copies, most of which were posted in the train compartments . Thousands of readers had subscribed to the customer magazine, however , because at that time there was no other magazine in Germany that was so widespread and that reported so comprehensively on many travel destinations. The countries featured in the reports were all part of the European rail network, travel reports were intended to encourage wanderlust in the economic wonderland and encourage people to use the trains.


The magazine changed its title twice. Originally it was called Durch die Schöne Welt , from April 1968 Schöne Welt , from November 1980 DIE SCHÖNE WELT . During the entire period there were two editors-in-chief , from June 1957 Wolfgang Thomas, from April 1968 to June 1990 Heinz Hartmann.