The incredible journey

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German title The incredible journey
Original title The Incredible Journey
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1963
length 80 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Fletcher Markle
script James Algar
production Walt Disney
music Oliver Wallace
camera Kenneth Peach
cut Norman Palmer

The incredible journey (Original title: The Incredible Journey ) is an American film by the director Fletcher Markle from 1963. The screenplay was written by James Algar . It is based on the short story of the same name by the British writer Sheila Burnford . The leading roles are cast with Émile Genest , John Drainie and Sandra Scott . The first time the film was released in his home country was on October 30, 1963, and in Germany on April 8, 1966.


The Hunter family has three pets that are closely related to one another in close friendship: the bull terrier bitch Bodga, the Labrador Retriever Luath and the Siamese cat Tao. Because the head of the family, Professor James Hunter, has been invited to guest lectures by a European university and will therefore be spending a few months abroad with his family, the pets are temporarily being looked after by daughter Elizabeth's godfather, John Longridge in Canada. When he left his farm for a few days to hunt, the homesick host animals decide to return to their homeland. The journey takes them several hundred kilometers to the west, across the Canadian forests. But because they are not used to defense or foraging in the wild as pets, they face numerous dangers. The trip threatens to come to an early end several times, be it that the tomcat is almost drowning, the old bull terrier bitch Bodga collapses from exhaustion or the still young hunting dog Luath injures himself badly on an unknown porcupine. After many adventurous weeks, the three animal friends arrive exhausted but safe at home.


The Protestant film observer judges: Without the usual humanizations, Walt Disney describes in this film the dangerous attempt of three temporarily relocated pets [...] to reach their old home over several hundred kilometers across the Canadian forests. We can warmly recommend this beautiful film to everyone. The lexicon of international films also has a positive opinion of the film . It draws the following conclusion: Beautifully adventurous family entertainment from the Disney workshop. The film evaluation agency Wiesbaden awarded the strip the rating valuable .


A remake of the film was made in 1993 under the title Back Home - The Incredible Journey , directed by Duwayne Dunham, also produced by Disney.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Evangelischer Filmbeobachter , Evangelischer Presseverband Munich, Review No. 418/1966, pp. 748–749.
  2. a b Lexicon of International Films , rororo-Taschenbuch No. 6322 (1988), p. 3964.