Dieter H. Jütting

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Dieter H. Jütting (born January 4, 1943 in Neu-Oderberg ) is a retired professor for sports culture and further education at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster.


Jütting grew up in Neermoor / Ostfriesland (1950 to 1954) and in Münster / Westphalia (1954–1958) and attended the respective elementary schools there. He trained as a young worker at the Deutsche Bundesbahn (1958–1960), worked as a station worker (1960–1961), completed an apprenticeship for the middle, non-technical service (1961–1963) and then worked as a ticket clerk at the Clarholz / Westphalia station (1963-1964).

Jütting acquired the secondary school leaving certificate (Berufsaufbauschule Osnabrück 1964) and the Abitur (Overberg-Kolleg Münster 1967) on the second educational path. In the winter semester of 1967/1968 he began studying German, pedagogy, sociology, Dutch and physical education at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster , which he completed with the state examination for teaching at grammar schools in 1972.

During his studies he was supported by the Mitbestigung Foundation (today the Hans Böckler Foundation), spokesman for the Münster scholarship holders and a member of the foundation's selection committee.

From 1973 to 1979 Jütting was a research assistant at the chair of general pedagogy / adult education (Wilhelm Niggemann) at the comprehensive university (now the university) in Essen. In 1975 he received his doctorate there with the thesis "Leisure and Adult Sports".

In 1979 Jütting was appointed to the chair of adult education at the Institute for Youth Education and Adult Education at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main .

In 1983 Jütting switched to the chair of adult education at the comprehensive university (now the university) Paderborn.

In 1990 Jütting was appointed to the chair of sport culture and further education at the newly founded Institute for Sport Culture and Further Education at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster and was appointed managing director. Here he taught and researched until his retirement in 2008.

Focus of work

Jütting's teaching and research activities initially focused on questions relating to three educational policy innovations of the early 1970s, the passing of adult and further education laws, the establishment of chairs for adult education and the establishment of the diploma course in Educational Science, as well as the social and political reasons for these Innovations. These reasons can be named with the keyword “ educational catastrophe ”, which Georg Picht diagnosed in 1964, and the political program formulas “education for all”, “culture for all” and “sport for all”.

In this historical context, Jütting developed the focus of work on adult life with the aspects of leisure time behavior and learning in adulthood and professionalization of adult education / further training.

In part of his early work, he dealt with the concept of the leisure society and the theorem of increasing leisure. In his dissertation “Leisure and Adult Sports” and numerous other articles, he was able to show that adult life was characterized by a lack of time and class-specific barriers, and that this also applied to sports in adulthood. In this context, he was involved in the educational institutions of the state sports associations and as a popular sports warden for the German Volleyball Association .

The introduction of the diploma course in education with a focus on adult education at the beginning of the 1970s encountered a personnel situation in adult education institutions that was characterized by a low main occupation and a large sideline activity. Jütting was able to show in a graduate survey of the first generation of qualified teachers that they were able to position themselves more successfully in the employment system than presented in the public discussion. With further theoretical and empirical work, he accompanied the institutionalization of the diploma course and the professionalization in the institutions and associations of adult education. In connection with this and other work, he founded (together with Klaus Harney) the series “Studies on Adult Education” in the publishing house Peter Lang. From 1990 Jütting developed the teaching and research area of ​​local-global sport culture. The main focus of work was clubs as non-profit organizations, training and further education for sports organizations, volunteering as a form of engagement, sports systems in Europe and running in Germany. The empirical work was based on the theoretical concept of the “third sector”. From this perspective, clubs were described as social wealth. Contrary to the dominant view in theory and practice, Jütting was unable to identify a “crisis in voluntary work” and was able to provide empirical findings.

Jütting developed the “Summer University of Münster” (SUM) training format, which started in 1993 with the title “Culture of Movement in the Modern City”. In this context, he founded the fun run “Around the Castle” (1993-2000), which he converted into the Leonardo Campus Run in 2001.

Jütting was a member of the European Association for Sociology of Sport (EASS) and from 2001 to 2009 editor of the European Journal for Sport and Society (ejss). In 2007 he organized the 4th EASS conference in Münster under the title "Local Sport in Europe".

In 2000 Jütting founded the academic soccer team at the Westphalian Wilhelms University with a view to the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany. This was a voluntary association of scientists from different disciplines who made the 2006 World Cup their subject in research, teaching and further education. In this context, a large number of dissertations and qualification papers were created, the majority of which were published in the series “Edition local-global sports culture”. The academic soccer team organized scientific conferences and, over four years, the public lecture series "The local-global soccer culture", in which scientists from Germany and Europe as well as soccer experts and soccer celebrities from associations, the media and politics gave presentations. In this context, Jütting became a member of the German Academy for Football Culture in 2004 and repeatedly headed the “Lernanstoß” jury - the football education prize.

In 2008 the Institute for Sport Culture and Further Education organized its last public event entitled "Social Change and Sport Development - Balance Sheet and Perspectives", at which colleagues and employees of the institute gave lectures and Jütting gave his farewell lecture entitled "The Importance of Sport - The Social Phenomenon" held.

Scientific advice and civic engagement

  • Member of the scientific steering committee for recreational sports of the Ruhr settlement association (now the Ruhr regional association) (1976 to 1978)
  • Member of the educational advisory board of the educational organization of the State Sports Association of North Rhine-Westphalia (1976 to 1996)
  • Chairman of the Commission of the Educational Institutions of the German Sports Association (1980 to 1996)
  • Member of the federal training committee of the German Sports Confederation (1980 to 1996)
  • Member of the German Academy for Football Culture (since 2001)
  • General and recreational sports supervisor of the German Volleyball Association (1981 to 1989)
  • Founder and manager of the fun run "Around the Castle" (1991 to 2001)
  • Founder and manager of the fun run "Leonardo Campus-Rund" (2001 to 2008)
  • Head of the research group "Academic Football Team" at the Westphalian Wilhelms University (2000 to 2007)
  • Member of the qualification committee of the Football and Athletics Association of Westphalia (2004 to 2008)
  • Chairman of the Association Development Commission of the Football and Athletics Association of Westphalia
  • Chairman of the Association for the Promotion of Sports Science in Münster (since 2008)
  • Chairman of the commission "Future Prize of the Football and Athletics Association of Westphalia" (2008 to 2018)
  • Chairman of the jury "Bernd Feldhaus-Engagementpreis" (since 2013)

Fonts (selection)

  • Leisure and adult sports. Munich, Basel 1976
  • Free time - on the time concept and time budget in industrial society. In: Sport and Leisure. Edited by E. Franke. Reinbek b. Hamburg 1983, pp. 27-41
  • The employee question in adult education. A literature and research report. In: Professionalization of Adult Education. Edited by K. Harney / DH Jütting / B.Koring. Frankfurt am Main et al. 1987. pp. 1-58
  • Views on sports clubs in the Federal Republic of Germany. In: Sport of the Future - Future of Sport. Aachen 1996, pp. 66-85
  • Give and take: volunteering as a social exchange. In: Third Sector - Third Force. Attempt to determine your position. Edited by R. Count Strachwitz. Stuttgart 1998, pp. 271-289
  • Sports club systems in Europe: national structures - European similarities - comparative comments. In: Sports clubs in Europe between state and market. Edited by DH Jütting. Münster et al. 1999, pp. 35-59
  • (with to N. Bentem) Sports clubs in Germany and the Netherlands. Münster et al. 1999
  • Olympic sport and cultural hegemony. For the global expansion of a European cultural model. In: Top Sport. Opportunities and problems. Edited by H. Digel. Schorndorf 2000, pp. 80-97
  • (with van N. Bentem and V. Oshege) Associations as social wealth. Münster et al. 2003
  • Civil society and football in Germany. In: Journal for Political Education. 3/2005, pp. 20-27
  • Jogging in the footsteps of the sculptures. On the relationship between politics, art and sport in public space. In: Who is running there? Studies of running movement. Edited by DH Jütting. Münster 2007, pp. 9–28
  • (with K. Harney) Mass spectators, FIFA World Cup and the Klinsmann project: observations on the 2006 FIFA World Cup. In: The world has returned home. Studies on the evaluation of the 2006 FIFA World Cup. Ed. DH Jütting. Münster 2007, pp. 11-23
  • (Ed. With B. Schulze and U. Müller) Local Sport in Europe. Münster et al. 2009
  • Importance of sport - the social phenomenon. In: Social Change and Sport Development. Balance sheet and perspectives. Edited by B. Schulze / U. Marker. Münster et al. 2011, pp. 11–16
  • Urban and countryside. King and Wren. On the inclusion and prestige potential of football. In: Sport - History - Pedagogy. Hildesheim 2015, pp. 149–156
  • Sport for everyone: lived history. In: Sport for everyone. Idea and reality. Edited by DH Jütting / M. Kruger. Münster 2017, pp. 139–154

Web links

Individual evidence
