Dieter the Younger from Gemmingen

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Dieter von Gemmingen, the younger († 1359 ) is the common progenitor of the two lines Neckarzimmern / Bürg and Michelfeld of the tribe B (Hornberg) of the barons of Gemmingen . Through his marriage to Anna von Gosheim he came to property in Bürg , the ancestral property of the family line he founded.


He was a son of Dieter von Gemmingen (adults 1283–97) and Mechthild von Talheim. His nickname the younger comes from the distinction to the father of the same name. He completed already in 1336 its own sales and was probably in 1338 by Ludwig of Bavaria to the Knights defeated. Through his marriage to Anna von Gosheim he came into possession of goods in Bürg, which he increased through acquisitions. In 1350 he owned a sixth of the wine and fruit tenth in Sulzfeld , which his son Gerhard inherited. In 1351 he bought Hans von Hohenhardt's half of it from Richen on repurchase within three years. In 1356 he acquired a quarter of Richen. He was inGemmingen buried.


Dieter was married to Anna von Gosheim. His son Gerhard continued the B tribe , which with the sons of Dieter's great-grandson Eberhard the Tauben († 1479) split into the lines of Bürg and Michelfeld . Dieter's brother Dietrich the Elder († around 1374) is the progenitor of tribe A , which formed the Steinegg and Guttenberg lines .


  • Anna ∞ Friedrich von Sickingen
  • Eberhard († 1419), died single
  • Gerhard d. Ä. (1360–1402) ∞ Anna von Liebenstein († after 1409)

See also
