Diethelm Kienapfel
Diethelm Kienapfel (born June 23, 1935 in Heiligenbeil ) is a German legal scholar and former professor at the University of Linz .
Kienapfel was born in Heiligenbeil in East Prussia . In 1939 his father took a job in Frankfurt (Oder) , where the family then moved. Kienapfel attended elementary school there from 1941. The family fled from the approaching Eastern Front in February 1945 and finally came to Essen - Kettwig , where Kienapfel attended the modern high school from 1947 and graduated from high school in 1953. He then studied law at the University of Cologne , but moved to the University of Freiburg in the winter semester of 1953/54 . After his first state examination in law in 1957, he devoted himself to his doctorate, which he completed in 1960 under the supervision of Thomas Würtenberger and Hans-Heinrich Jescheck with summa cum laude . During his doctoral process, Kienapfel worked as an assistant at the Freiburg Criminological Institute and proofreading assistant, studied English and Romance languages as a minor and completed his legal clerkship at the Freiburg Regional Court , which he completed in 1962 with the second state examination. In 1965 he completed his habilitation in Freiburg, also under Würtenberger and Jescheck and received the Venia legendi for criminal law and criminal procedure law.
In 1966 he was a substitute professor at the University of Gießen . From October 1, 1967, he held the chair for Austrian criminal law and criminal procedure law at the University of Linz . He taught and researched at the University of Linz until his retirement in 2003 and played a key role in setting up the multimedia center there and digitizing the courses on offer. He turned down calls to Kiel University and Bielefeld University in order to be able to participate in shaping Austrian criminal law under the revised StGB. Even after his retirement, Kienapfel still holds events.
Diethelm Kienapfel was married for the first time from 1961 until the divorce in 1968. From this marriage came his first two children. From his second marriage, which he entered into in 1969, there are two other sons.
Works and works (selection)
Kienapfel wrote the first textbooks on the Austrian Criminal Code, which came into force in 1975 . Furthermore, in his publications on Austrian criminal law, he strongly advocated the single offender principle that applies in Austria today. In addition, Kienapfel is known for his comment in the Vienna Commentary on the Criminal Code. The learning programs on Austrian criminal law that he founded and have been running several times since then are extremely popular with students.
- Corporal punishment and social adequacy in criminal law . CF Müller, Heidelberg 1961 (dissertation).
- Documents in criminal law . Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 1967, ISBN 978-3-465-00486-8 (habilitation thesis).
- The unitary offender in criminal law . Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 1971.
- Certificates and other guarantee holders . Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 1979, ISBN 978-3-465-01343-3 .
- Criminal Law, General Part - With introductions in programmed form . De Gruyter, Berlin 1984, ISBN 978-3-11-009804-4 .
- with Kurt Schmoller : Criminal Law Special Part III - Offenses against other individual and community values . 2nd Edition. Manz, Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-214-14963-5 .
- with Frank Höpfel and Robert Kert : Learning program criminal law - general part . 15th edition. Manz, Vienna 2016, ISBN 978-3-214-12198-3 .
- with Valentin Schroll: Study book Criminal Law - Special Part I - Offenses against personal values . 4th edition. Manz, Vienna 2016, ISBN 978-3-214-14944-4 .
- with Frank Höpfel and Robert Kert: Outline of criminal law - general part . 15th edition. Manz, Vienna 2016, ISBN 978-3-214-12196-9 .
- with Kurt Schmoller: Study book Criminal Law - Special Part II - Offenses against Assets. 2nd Edition. Manz, Vienna 2017, ISBN 978-3-214-10571-6 .
- Eric Hilgendorf ( The German-language criminal law studies in self-portrayals . De Gruyter, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-89949-791-5 , p. 239-263 .
Web links
personal data | |
SURNAME | Kienapfel, Diethelm |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | German lawyer and university professor |
DATE OF BIRTH | June 23, 1935 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Holy ax |