Difference calculation

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The difference calculus is a branch of mathematics that the discrete correspondence to the analysis ( differential and integral calculus forms). While analysis deals with functions that are defined on continuous spaces (in order to be able to establish a limit value concept), in particular with functions on real numbers , difference calculus is interested in functions on whole numbers ℤ. The difference calculation can be used to calculate series .

Differences and sums

The well-known continuous differential calculus is based on the differential operator , which is defined as follows:

The difference calculation, on the other hand, uses a so-called difference operator :


The opposite operation is not achieved with the indefinite integral as in the continuous differential calculus , but with an indefinite sum , which is related to the difference operator as follows:


is related to here as to the continuous differential calculus. stands for the value of any function that is constant for integer ( ).

The counterpart to certain integrals are certain sums. These correspond to ordinary sums without the value at the highest index:



Invariant function

A function invariant under the differential operator is the exponential function of the base e . In the difference calculus, the exponential function of base 2 is invariant, as can easily be determined:

Falling faculties

There is a simple calculation rule for decreasing factorials , which are defined for every integer as follows:

This expression behaves in the difference calculation as follows:

where is the -th harmonic number . The harmonic series is thus the counterpart to the natural logarithm . The agreement goes so far that also applies.

Falling faculties and powers can always be converted into one another using Stirling numbers of the first or second kind:


In addition, the binomial theorem also applies to falling faculties.

Example for calculating the sum of the first square numbers:


Product rule and partial summation

The product rule of continuous differential calculus is valid in the following form:


This rule can be expressed more compactly by introducing a shift operator , defined as :


The rearrangement of the terms leads to the formula of partial summation similar to partial integration :


Example for calculating the sum :

Here is and , so , and .

The formula for partial summation gives: .

This ultimately leads to the solution:

See also


  • AO Gelfond : difference calculation. German Publishing house d. Wiss., Berlin, 1958
  • Ronald Graham et al: Concrete Mathematics . Addison-Wesley, Upper Saddle River 2008, ISBN 0-201-55802-5
  • NE Nörlund : Lectures on calculus of differences. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1924; Reprint Chelsea, New York, 1954

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