Digital object memory

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A digital object memory ( DOMe for Digital Object Memory ) is a data memory in which all relevant information about a specific physical object is continuously collected. By linking digital information with physical objects, such an object memory forms a basic building block for the Internet of Things

To use digital object memories, it must be possible to clearly identify the individual physical objects using an identifier . The identifier must be attached to the objects in a machine-readable manner. One or two-dimensional barcodes (e.g. a QR code or a DataMatrix code ) or radio-based RFID or NFC tags are common. These codes, or tags, are a cost-effective solution, but require a more complex data management infrastructure.

A taxonomy of digital object memories (DOMe)

Active digital object memories

In addition to digital object memories, which consist exclusively of passive memory, active digital object memories (ADOMs) contain full-fledged computers . In terms of a cyber-physical system (CPS), these object memories can be equipped with the following hardware :

The following equipment is common on the software side:

  • Memory management functions,
  • Server processing components,
  • optional sensor fusion modules,
  • Process processing components,
  • Communication interfaces,
  • User interfaces ,
  • and security modules.

Active object memories allow object-related processing, such as status monitoring, data analysis or clearing up memories, to be carried out directly on the object itself. In addition to purely passive and active memories, there are hybrid forms that can, for example, carry out simple operations directly on the object and outsource more complex operations to the surrounding infrastructure, whereby both components of the memory remain synchronous.

Digital product memory

Digital product memories (DPG) represent a subset of the digital object memories. They comprise the memories of artifacts that have been produced or that have at least been created consciously. Examples of this are transport containers, works of art and rare natural objects such as marble slabs or lumps of gold, which, although not industrially manufactured, are monitored for special applications in the sense of lifelogging .

Semantic product memory

Semantic product memories (SemProM - for Semantic Product Memory) go one step further and offer a machine-understandable description of their content based on techniques of the semantic web . If memories have no explicit, semantic markup, only proprietary software modules can read the stored information. In contrast, semantic memories can be interpreted by any software that has access to the semantic descriptions of epistemological primitives and corresponding ontologies .

Object memory model

In the context of the Object Memory Modeling Incubator Group, as part of the W3C Incubator Activities, a structure format for object memories was developed. The structure format allows static and event-based data of individual physical artifacts to be stored (ideally over their entire lifespan) and thus functions as a model for object memory data. The so-called Object Memory Model ( OMM ) uses a block-based approach to divide the memory into groups that each contain related object-related information. Each block consists of the actual payload and a set of metadata that describe the payload of the block.

Related research projects


The SemProM (Semantic Product Memory) project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), uses so-called smart labels to give products a digital memory and thus to be able to offer intelligent applications along the product life cycle chain. Through the integration of integrated sensors , relationships in the production process become transparent and supply chains and influences from the environment are traceable. This supports the manufacturer and the consumer receives better information about the product.


The RES-COM project (resource conservation through context- activated M2M communication), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, deals with the development of technologies for proactive resource conservation based on communication between machines (M2M), whereby interfaces, protocols and data models are considered. The project tries to promote the integration of distributed and active components and to supplement existing, centralized structures in the field of industry with a defined interaction with active digital object memories.


The Aletheia project (derived from the philosophical term for unconcealment ), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is a leading innovation project with the aim of achieving comprehensive access to product information with the help of semantic technologies. The project follows the approach of not only using structured data from in-house information sources (such as product databases) to answer inquiries, but also unstructured data from office documents and Web 2.0 sources such as wikis , blogs and internet forums as well as sensor and RFID data.


The ADiWa project (Alliance for Digital Goods Flow), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, makes the great potential of information from the Internet of Things available for business- relevant work processes that can be strategically planned and influenced. The results from the partner project SemProM are used to connect objects from the real world. ADiWa is primarily concerned with business processes that can be influenced and controlled with information from the real world.

Smart Products

The Smart Products project, funded by the 7th Framework Program of the European Union , develops the scientific and technological basis for building intelligent products (smart products) with embedded proactive knowledge. Such smart products help customers, designers and workers to keep pace with the ever-increasing complexity and diversity of modern products. In addition, such products promote proactive knowledge for communication and cooperation with people, other products and the environment. The project focuses on small devices with limited memory and therefore requires an efficient storage mechanism. Furthermore, the project will further optimize and apply the results of the data exchange between different smart products in the form of a W3C Incubator Group.


Tales of Things and electronic Memory (ToTeM) is a three-year collaborative project between five universities in the United Kingdom. The aim of the project is to research the impact of Internet of Things technologies on the design of novel forms of large memory-based systems. While the influences of the Internet of Things for the management of supply chains and for the management of resource consumption are widely accepted and discussed, the aspect of personal and social memory has received little attention so far. While more and more produced products are equipped directly during production and monitored in their life cycle, Tales of Things focuses on the possibility of exploring content in the Internet of Things that is generated by users and related to physical objects.


The Smart Product Networks (SmaProN) project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, explores the dynamic linking of intelligent products to bundles of products and product hierarchies, based on the Tip'n'Tell architecture that has already been developed (for the integration of distributed product information) and the product description model SPDO (using description languages ​​of the semantic web).


The RFID-based Automotive Network (RAN) project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, deals with the development of RFID-based hybrid control architectures and methods for estimating the value chain. Using the example of the automotive industry, a combined data management system is being developed to exchange product-relevant information in a decentralized manner based on RFID tags. In addition, information relevant to the order is stored in central databases. Such architectures allow the transport of product-relevant data via the physical object and real-time capable background systems.

Individual evidence

  1. Jens Haupert: DOMeMan: Representation, administration and use of digital object memories . AKA Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-89838-339-4 .
  2. Kevin Ashton: That 'Internet of Things' Thing, in the real world things matter more than ideas . In: RFID Journal , June 22, 2009. 
  3. Wolfgang Wahlster: SemProM, Foundations of Semantic Product Memories for the Internet of Things . Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-37376-3 .
  4. ^ Wolfgang Wahlster : Digital product memory: embedded systems keep a diary . In: Harting tec . News 15 . 2007, pp. 7-9.
  5. OMM XG
  8. Aletheia - Semantic Federation of Comprehensive Product Information. Federal Ministry of Education and Research, archived from the original on March 14, 2009 ; Retrieved May 28, 2013 .
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  11. Archived copy ( Memento of the original from July 18, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /