Dimitrijs Braznikovs

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Dimitrijs Braznikovs (born June 9, 1967 in Belgorod , RSFSR ) is a former Latvian handball goalkeeper . He played more than 60 international matches for the Latvian national team.


The handball goalkeeper's clubs included Ski , ZSKA Moscow , Zletnik Riga, AJ Riga, Maccabia Ranana, Warsaw, HIT Innsbruck and, as the last and longest station, ULZ Sparkasse Schwaz . For the ULZ Schwaz, Dimitrijs Braznikovs has been guarding the gate from 2003 and was an important player for the first promotion to the HLA. From 2010, Braznikovs was rarely used because the coach relied on Christian Aigner as No. 1 in goal. In 2011 Braznikovs also took on Austrian citizenship. He celebrated his greatest success in 2011 when he won the cup with the ULZ Schwaz, even if it was hardly used in the Final Four. He ended his career after the 2011/12 season.

Individual evidence

  1. a b http://sportreport.biz/2012/05/21/ulz-schwaz-thomas-lintner-interview-66723/