CSKA Moscow

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Logo of CSKA Moscow

The CSKA Moscow ( Russian Центральный Спортивный Клуб Армии (ЦСКА Москва) , transcribed Zentralny Sportiwny Klub Armii (CSKA Moskva) , in German Central Sports Club of the Moscow Army ) is a Russian sports club , which is often related to the because of his links Red Army called .


The club known today as CSKA Moscow was founded on June 13th jul. / June 26,  1911 greg. as OLLS ( Russian Общество любителей лыжного спорта (ОЛЛС) , transcribed Obschtschestwo ljubitelei lyschnowo sporta (OLLS) , in German society / club of skiing friends approved) after already in 1900 a group of skiers from Moscow club of skiers ( Russian Московский клуб лыжников ( МКЛ) , transcribed Moskovsky klub Lyschnikow (MKL) ) had separated in order to found their own skiers club.

From 1928 to 1950 OLLS renamed was ZDKA ( Russian Спортивный клуб Центрального дома Красной Армии (ЦДКА) , transcribed Sportiwny club Zjentralnowo doma Krasnoi Armii (ZDKA) , on German sports club of the central building of the Red Army), then from 1950 to 1956 in ZDSA ( russian спортивный клуб Центрального дома Советской Армии (ЦСК МО) , transcribed Sportiwny club Zjentralnowo doma Sowetskoi Armii (ZDSA) , on German sports club of the central house of the Soviet army), then 1956 to 1959 in ZSK MO ( russian Центральный спортивный клуб Министерства обороны (ЦСК МО) , in German Central Sports Club of the Ministry of Defense) and in 1960 in CSKA Moscow or Central Sports Club of the Army Moscow, as it is still called today.

The club is particularly well-known for its successful, now independent departments in ice hockey , wrestling , football , volleyball and basketball . In 1986, 1988 and 1990 the chess department won the European club team championship, the European Club Cup .

Sports departments

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