Dimityr Metodiew

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Dimityr Metodiew , actually Dimityr Metodiew Christow , Bulgarian Димитър Методиев (born September 11, 1922 in Belovo , † June 19, 1995 in Sofia ), was a Bulgarian politician and poet.


During the Second World War he took part in the partisan fight against German troops. After 1944 he worked as mayor and manager of a company. From 1950 to 1953 he studied at the Maxim Gorky Literature Institute in Moscow . He then worked as an editor. From 1966 he worked for the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party . In 1971 he became a candidate and in 1976 he became a member of the Central Committee.

He was awarded the Dimitrov Prize in 1964 .

Metodiew wrote poems and poems. In addition, he also emerged with post-poetry of works by Alexander Trifonowitsch Twardowski , Taras Shevchenko and Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky .
