Dinh Q. Lê

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Dinh Q. Lê (* 1968 in Hà Tiên , Kiên Giang Province ) is a Vietnamese photographer and installation artist .

life and work

Dinh Q. Lê lived in Vietnam until he was ten years old, until his family emigrated to California in 1979. Lê graduated from the University of California with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in photography from the School of Visual Arts . Dinh Q. Lê has received numerous awards for his work, including the 2010 Prince Claus Prize .

Dinh Q. Lê is known for works that he creates from photo strips. He uses horizontal and vertical strips of documentary photographs and stills from Hollywood films about the Vietnam War . The process is inspired by the traditional Vietnamese grass mat weaving. Lê shows wall works, objects, installations and videos.

Exhibitions (selection)

Solo exhibitions

Group exhibitions

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. dOCUMENTA (13). The accompanying book / The Guidebook. Catalog 3/3., Page 270, 2012, ISBN 978-3-7757-2954-3
  2. PPOW Gallery Dinh Q. Lê accessed on March 24, 2019 (English)
  3. artforum Dinh Q. Lê accessed on March 24, 2019 (English)
  4. Mori art museum Dinh Q. Lê accessed on March 23, 2019 (English)