Dionigi Coppo

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Dionigi Coppo

Dionigi Coppo (* 15. December 1921 in Brescia , Brescia , Lombardy , † 4. August 2003 ) was an Italian trade union functionary and politician of the Christian Democrats (DC), among others 1963-1979 Member of the Senate ( Senato della Repubblica ) and was a minister several times.


Coppo was 1959-1969 Deputy Secretary General of the Trade Union Confederation CISL ( Italian Confederation of Workers' Trade Unions ) and sometimes also vice president of the National Institute for health insurance INAM ( Istituto Nazionale per l'assicurazione contro le malattie ). He was also a temporary advisor to the administration of the International Labor Office .

In the elections of April 28, 1963 , Coppo was elected for the first time as a member of the Senate ( Senato della Repubblica ) for the DC and represented the interests of the Piedmont region until June 19, 1979 . During the fourth and fifth legislative periods between July 1963 and May 1972 he was a member of the Senate Standing Committee on Labor, Emigration and Social Security.

On August 7, 1969, Coppo was appointed to a government office by Prime Minister Mariano Rumor for the first time and served in his second cabinet as Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( Sottosegretario di Stato per gli affari esteri ) until March 26, 1970 . He was also temporarily president of the business association of Democrazia Cristiana and president of the public limited company Teocle di Naxos spa

In the second Andreotti cabinet, he held the post of Minister for Labor and Social Security ( Ministro del lavoro e della previdenza sociale ) between June 26, 1972 and July 5, 1973, and was then from July 6, 1973 to March 13, 1974 in fourth Cabinet Rumor Minister without portfolio for special political tasks with special responsibility for organizational tasks of the Council of Ministers ( Ministro senza portafoglio per i compiti politici particolari con speciale riguardo agli Enti vigilati dalla Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri ). In the following, fifth Rumor cabinet , he served between March 14 and November 22, 1974 as Minister for the Merchant Navy ( Ministro della marina mercantile ). During the sixth legislative period, he was also a member of the Senate Standing Committee on Labor and Social Security from July 1972 to December 1974 and then between December 1974 and July 1976 a member of the Senate Standing Committee on Hygiene and Health. At the same time, between February 1976 and September 1979, he was chairman of a parliamentary commission of inquiry into the conditions and levels of employee compensation.

Coppo, who was temporarily chairman of the board of directors of the public limited company Lenzi spa , acted as chairman of the permanent senate committee for labor and social security between July and September 1976 and was a member of this committee until June 1979. In addition, from November 1977 to June 1979 he was chairman of a parliamentary commission of inquiry for the review of orders and the procurement of weapons and equipment for military purposes.

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