Dionys Martens

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Burial place of Dionys Martens

Dionys Martens (own name David Mayer ) (born January 15, 1869 in Sereth ; † November 24, 1934 in Vienna , suicide ) was an Austrian violinist and violist .


He passed the Matura in Chernivtsi and studied violin with JM Grün at the Conservatory of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde . In 1894 he left Judaism , took the name Mayer and was baptized as a Protestant AB in 1896. Martens was initially a substitute, from 1898 to 1939 a member of the Vienna Court Opera Orchestra and the Vienna Philharmonic (until 1906 as violist, then first violinist); 1914–1918 participant in the war, 1918–1936 teacher at the New Vienna Conservatory , from 1921 to 1934 also member of the court orchestra .

The cellist Karl Maurer was his son-in-law , who was a member of the State Opera Orchestra from 1921 , of the Vienna Philharmonic from 1926 (1945 and 1946 managing director), from 1951 also of the Hofmusikkapelle and was retired in 1966.

The urn Martens' is crematorium simmering buried in Vienna (Section 8, ring 3, Group 1, number 11).
