Direção-Geral do Património Cultural

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The Direção-Geral do Património Cultural (DGPC) (emerged from Instituto de Gestão do Património Arquitectónico e Arqueológico (IGESPAR) - Institute for the Management of Architectural and Archaeological Heritage and Instituto Português do Património Arquitetónico (IPPAR - Portuguese Institute for Architectural Heritage; dt .: Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage)) is a general directorate of the Portuguese government , which has the task of preserving, preserving and recording the Portuguese architectural heritage. This includes buildings and sites of historical, architectural, scientific or artistic value. The directorate keeps a record of all classified sites and issues legally binding edicts relating to all of these sites.


The authority was founded on the initiative of the internal restructuring program PRACE and introduced by the Conselho de Ministros (Council of Ministers). In IGESPAR, the Instituto Português do Património Arquitetónico (IPPAR) was merged with the Instituto Português de Arqueologia (IPA) , while many other functions of the Direcção Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais (DGMEN) were added, which involved the conservation and restoration of national cultural treasures do have.

The internal structures and statutes were specified by Ministerial Order no.376 (March 20, 2007), while the organizational law of the Ministry of Culture (Ministério da Cultura) stipulated a division into regional directorates (with the exception of the Azores and Madeira , where cultural protection programs are a task of the regional secretariats).

Archive material, which until then had been administered by the Direcção Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais , was given to the Instituto de Habitação e Reabilitação Urbana ( Institute for Housing and Urban Conservation ) of the Ministério do Ambiente ( Ministry of the Environment ), the Department Ordenamento do Território e do Desenvolvimento Regional ( Spatial planning and regional development ) placed under the supervision of the SIPA - Sistema de Informação para o Património ( Cultural Heritage Information System ) on May 30, 2007 . IGESPAR inherited these institutions and was the predecessor institution of the Biblioteca Geral (BG) ( general library ) and the Biblioteca de Arqueologia (BA) ( archaeological library ), which contains information on the architectural and archaeological cultural heritage, and which is accessible both in location catalogs and online. By 2010, more than 3000 properties in the country were inventoried and classified and 13 of them were designated as UNESCO World Heritage , 2000 as Imóveis de Interest Público ( Properties of Public Interest ), 800 with the status of Monumento Nacional ( National Monument ) and 450 as regional Classified sites of public interest.

In 2012, as part of the implementation of a regulation, the Direção-Geral do Patrimônio Cultural (DGCP) was set up, which is the IGESPAR, the Instituto dos Museus e Conservação (IMC IP) ( Institute for Museums and Conservation ) and the Direção Regional de Cultura de Lisboa o Vale do Tejo (DRCLVT) ( Regional Cultural Directorate of Lisboa and Vale do Tejo ) linked. The two authorities IGESPAR and IMC expired on December 29, 2011.


The DGPC is a Directorate-General, under the supervision of the Ministério da Cultura ( Ministry of Culture ), with responsibility for the architectural and archaeological heritage. The organizational structure is determined by the Ministerial Order no.376 of March 20, 2007, which stipulates the organization with five areas of responsibility:

  • Salvaguarda ( securing ): coordination and initiation of studies on candidates for inclusion on the national cultural heritage list, planning for securing buildings, limiting or supplementing construction projects related to the national cultural heritage, as well as monitoring and initiating projects, protect the national cultural heritage .;
  • Inventário, Estudos e Divulgação ( inventory, studies and publication ): physical analysis of the state of preservation, research into the national cultural heritage, as well as technical assistance for listed buildings;
  • Projectos e Obras ( projects and works ): Support of protective measures for existing buildings on site, provision of solutions against decay and advertising for protective measures;
  • Jurídico ( law ) legal decisions and support in judicial interventions of IGESPAR in relation to existing or ongoing investigations;
  • Gestão ( Management ): Management of ongoing works.

At the same time, the directorate is responsible for the management of numerous important architectural sites:


The DGPC has a number of important documentation services that represent an important strategic asset. Among the central services, museums and monuments are 25 libraries and documentation centers, most of which are open to the public. These documentation services offer more than 200,000 bibliographic records:

Biblioteca de Arqueologia (BA)

The Biblioteca de Arqueologia (BA) inherited the legacy of the Portuguese Institute for Archeology (Instituto Português de Arqueologia) and thus the collections of the German Archaeological Institute (Instituto Arqueológico Alemão), which left its collections to the Portuguese state when the delegation in Lisbon left in 1999 . The collection had almost 55,000 bibliographic records, including around 1,400 journal titles, 23,000 analytical titles and 30,000 monographic titles.


The databases were previously a dependency of the Instituto dos Museus e da Conservação (IP).


MatrizNet contains the information in the inventory sheets for museological goods as well as information on the bibliography and on temporary exhibitions of museums that are dependent on the DGPC (Colecções, Exposições Temporárias). It has approximately 40,000 entries and enables cross-sectional research to be carried out in museum collections, in works from a specific historical, artistic or authorship period.


MatrizPCI is a database in support of the Inventário Nacional do Património Cultural Imaterial (National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage), which, in addition to searching for inventoried intangible cultural heritage, allows consultation of reference resources on intangible heritage, including laws and regulations, electronic editions and technical documentation, that are important for the promotion of the protection of the intangible cultural heritage (Pesquisa do Inventário, Iniciar o procedimento de inventário de manifestações imateriais).


MatrizPix makes it possible to search for photographic documents with digital assistance, especially in connection with the documentation of the collections of the National Museums and Palaces. It has a presentation area for photo exhibitions, regardless of whether they are online versions of exhibitions presented by ADF / DGPC in museums and galleries, or exhibitions specifically designed to be accessed through MatrizPIX. It also enables the selection and online ordering of images (Pesquisa de Imagens, Exposições Online, Pedido de Imagens). It has about 30,000 entries.


Ex-IGESPAR database for the inventory of immovable property (Sistema de informação do património classificado).


Information and archaeological management system ", a database for the management of information relating to archaeological sites linked to the Portal do Arqueólogo (Sistema de informação e Gestão Arqueológica).


Sistema de Informação para o Património Arquitectónico ( Information System for Architectural Heritage ): Database with information and documentation on Portuguese architectural, urban and landscape heritage as well as buildings of Portuguese origin or construction.

Individual evidence

  1. "tem por missão assegurar a gestão, salvaguarda, valorização, conservação e restauro dos bens que integrem o património cultural imóvel, móvel e imaterial do País, bem como desenvolver e executar a política museológica nacional." Decreto-Lei n .patrimoniocultural.gov.pt / static / data / dgpc_enquadramento_legal / 115_2012_dgpc.pdf 115/2012], de 25 de maio.
  2. ^ Resolution No. 124, August 4, 2005, decree 96/2007
  3. Dirário da República 2012: p. 2772.
  4. Diário da Republica 2007: pp. 2020–2021.
  5. Diário da Republica 2007: pp. 2021–2022.
  6. Diário da Republica 2007: pp. 2022–2023.
  7. Diário da Republica 2007: p. 2023.
  8. Diário da Republica 2007: pp. 2023–2024.
  9. MatrizNet. Direção-Geral do Património Cultural. 2020-07-05.
  10. MatrizPCI. Direção-Geral do Património Cultural. 2020-07-05.
  11. MatrizPix. Direção-Geral do Património Cultural. 2020-07-05.
  12. Pesquisa Geral. Direção-Geral do Património Cultural. 2020-07-05.
  13. ^ Portal do Arqueólogo. Direção-Geral do Património Cultural. 2020-07-05.
  14. DL n.º 102/2015. In: Diário da República n.º 109/2015, June 5, 2015.


  • Portaria 376/2007. Diário da República, Série I, 64, Lisbon, Portugal: INCM SA - Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda. March 30, 2007: pp. 2019–2024.
  • Decreto-Lei 126-A / 2011. Diário da República Série I, 249 December 29, 2011: pp. 5516- (2) -5516- (14), Lisbon, Portugal: INCM SA - Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda
  • Decree-lei 115/2012. May 25, 2012: pp. 2772-2777. Diário da República, Série I, 102, Lisbon, Portugal: INCM SA - Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda.

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